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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 3, 2022 <br />Page 4 of 9 <br /> <br /> <br />contractor. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Pay Request No. 1 and Change Order No. 1 <br />from Iseler Demolition. <br /> <br />Approve Reduction in Letter of Credit for Meadows of Hugo 1st Addition <br /> <br />The Meadows at Hugo 1st Addition had had significant work completed to date and Centra Homes, <br />LLC had requested a reduction in the letter of credit. The current letter of credit for the 1st <br />Addition was in the amount of $1,468,192. Staff had inspected the work completed to date and <br />recommended reducing the letter of credit by $1,096,439 based on the value of work remaining to <br />be completed. The remaining value of the letter of credit would be in the amount of $371,753, <br />which was 10% of the original amount. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the reduction in <br />the letter of credit for Meadows of Hugo 1st Addition. <br /> <br />Approve Rezoning, CUP, Site Plan, and Variances for Premier Bank <br /> <br />This was removed from the Consent Agenda by Mayor Weidt. <br /> <br />Community Development Director explained Premier Banks was requesting approval for site plan, <br />zoning amendment, CUP, and two variance applications for the property located at 5616 147th <br />Street North. The proposal included an approximately 4,500 square foot commercial building with <br />a drive-through on the 0.76-acre parcel. The property was zoned Future Central Business (FCB) <br />and was located in an area of the City where development was guided by the downtown plan and <br />design guidelines. The applicant had requested to rezone the property to Central Business (C-1) <br />accommodating the commercial use and a CUP to allow for the drive-through entry point to be <br />located within 200 feet of residentially-zoned properties. Additionally, the applicant had requested <br />two variances be approved. The first was to allow for a reduction in vehicle stacking space in the <br />drive-through lane, and the second was to allow for the drive-through access point to be located on <br />a residential street. Juba reviewed the site plan with the Council. At its September 22, 2022, <br />meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and voted unanimously to recommend <br />approval of the applications. <br /> <br />Weidt asked about the option to move the driveway from Flay Avenue to 147th Street. Juba <br />replied they did review a possible access on 147th street but felt the one chosen off Flay Avenue <br />was a safer access point. City Engineer Mark Erickson further explained the issue with traffic <br />turning east onto 147th Street was problematic with short site distances and times. <br /> <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to approve ORDINANCE 2022 – 516 AMENDING <br />CHAPTER 90 (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE CITY CODE TO CLASSIFY CERTAIN <br />LANDS LOCATED 5616 147th STREET NORTH, and RESOLUTION 2022-60 APPROVING <br />FINDINGS OF FACT FOR REZONING FOR PREMIER BANKS LOCATED AT 5616 147TH <br />STREET NORTH, and RESOLUTION 2022-61 APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE <br />PERMIT FOR PREMIER BANK TO ALLOW A DRIVE THROUGH BUSINESS WITHIN 200 <br />FEET OF RESIDENTIALLY ZONED PROPERTIES FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT <br />5616 147TH STREET NORTH, and RESOLUTION 2022-62 APPROVING A SITE PLAN FOR <br />A COMMERCIAL USE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5616 147th STREET NORTH, and <br />RESOLUTION 2022-63 APPROVING A VARIANCE FROM THE DRIVE-THROUGH <br />BUSINESS MAIN ENTRANCE LOCATION REQUIREMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED