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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 21, 2022 <br />Page 4 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br />Approve State of Minnesota Grant Contract with the Hugo Fire Department for Wildfire <br />Equipment and Training <br /> <br />The MN DNR was in need of local fire department assistance in suppressing wildland fires. The <br />Commissioner of Natural Resources had made grants available for the procurement of fire <br />suppression equipment and training of fire departments in techniques of fire control. A local match <br />of 50-50 was required for this grant. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the grant contract <br />with the State of Minnesota in the amount of $5,000 for equipment and training in fighting <br />wildfires. <br /> <br />Approve Site Plan, CUP Renewal, Variance, and Easement Vacation for Xcel Energy-13620 <br />Fenway Boulevard N. <br /> <br />The applicant, Xcel Energy, had requested approval of a site plan to construct a two-story <br />approximately 32,000 square foot building as well as an outdoor training facility. The outdoor <br />training facility would be an expansion of the existing facility on site, which was allowed by a <br />Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The applicant had requested an amendment to their CUP to allow <br />for the expanded facility. A variance was being requested to allow for the height of structures <br />(poles and lattice tower) within the training facility, which exceed the maximum 50 feet allowed <br />by ordinance. Since the applicant was proposing to impact a wetland on site located within a <br />drainage and utility easement, they also requested an easement vacation. At its November 10, <br />2022 meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the request. No one <br />from the public spoke. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the <br />applications. <br /> <br />Weidt removed this and the following item from the Consent Agenda. <br /> <br />Approve Wetland Replacement Plan for Xcel Enery-13620 Fenway Boulevard N. <br /> <br />The above-mentioned applications are on property that has .39 acres of farmed type 2 wetlands on <br />site. The development would result in .39 acres of wetland impact, mostly because of grading for <br />stormwater pond construction. The applicant had proposed to replace the impacts to the wetland <br />basin though the purchase of wetland credits from an approved wetland bank. <br /> <br />Weidt removed the previous two items from the agenda and invited representatives from Xcel <br />Energy to introduce themselves. <br /> <br />Mike Wilhelmi is the new Community Relations contact for the City of Hugo. The previous <br />contact was Colette Jurek and before that it was John Werdish. Mike explained he had been on the <br />job for nine months and was please to present this project. He said the project would consolidate <br />and improve their training. The plan was to add transmission substation training to their facility. <br />There would be approximately 10-15 staff members and 12-100 students utilizing the center at one <br />time and would provide for multiple training opportunities. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />