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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 21, 2022 <br />Page 5 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2022-77 APPROVING A SITE <br />PLAN FOR XCEL ENERGY FOR A BUILDING AND OUTDOOR TRAINING FACILITIES <br />ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 13620 FENWAY BOULEVARD NORTH, and RESOLUTION <br />2022-78 APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT FOR XCEL ENERGY <br />TO AMEND THE SITE PLAN FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 13620 FENWAY <br />BOULEVARD NORTH, RESOLUTION 2022-79 APPROVING A VARIANCE FOR <br />NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, MINNESOTA CORPORATION, dba XCEL <br />ENERGY, FOR TRAINING TRANSMISSION LINES ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT <br />13620 FENWAY BOULEVARD NORTH, and the wetland replacement plan, subject to final <br />Technical Evaluation Panel issuance of the Notice of Decision for the wetland replacement <br />application and conditions. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Public Hearing on Birch Tree Ponds Improvement Project <br /> <br />On July 5, 2022, City Council authorized the preparation of a feasibility study for 2023 Birch Tree <br />Ponds Area Street Improvements. City Council accepted the competed study at the October 17, <br />2022, City Council meeting and called for a public hearing to be held this evening. City Engineer <br />Mark Erichson presented details on the proposed improvements and findings of the feasibility <br />study in a PowerPoint presentation <br /> <br />Erichson explained the roads in the Birch Tree Pond area were previously constructed between <br />1981-1999. The improvement project would include partial roadway reconstruction, mill and <br />overlay improvements, and curb and gutter replacement as conditions warrant. The City follows <br />State Statute Chapter 429, which requires two public hearings: an improvement hearing and an <br />assessment hearing. Total project costs were estimated to be $2,113,700 with $672,900 (31.8%) <br />coming from assessments. The Assessment Policy was last updated in 2013. Costs had increased <br />over the years, but the assessed amounts per the policy had not. Parcels on roads receiving a <br />partial reconstruction would be assessed $4,100 per unit, and parcels on roads receiving a mill and <br />overlay would be assessed $2,100 per unit. The assessment would be over ten years, and interest <br />was set at the time of assessment certification. Assessments could also be prepaid without interest <br />within 30 days of the assessment hearing. Erichson explained the senior citizen deferral for those <br />over 65 years old. Erichson provided a proposed schedule showing construction taking place June- <br />September, 2023, and the assessment hearing in October, 2023. <br /> <br />Mayor Weidt opened the public hearing. <br /> <br />Jeff Dumroese, 5815 135th Street North, said 135th Street is very busy and he asked about putting <br />in speed bumps and if the speed limits could be decreased in the neighborhood. He asked why the <br />project was being done now, prior to planned construction to the south when their only access will <br />be on 135th street. He also questioned if there was a risk that assessment rates would change. <br /> <br />Erichson replied that speed bumps are typically not installed on public roadways because cars <br />don’t see them, and snowplowing is problematic. Speeds were set by MnDOT. There was recent <br />legislation to allow municipalities to decrease speeds, but staff was waiting for the coalition that <br />was working on it to provide guidance. He said the Council was looking at evaluating the