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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for December 19, 2022 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br /> <br />with the RCWD for other culverts and bridges. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />culvert maintenance agreement, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. <br /> <br />Approve Room Rental Application and Waiver of Liability <br /> <br />City staff had updated the facility rental application to require additional information from the <br />applicant. Application additions included increased reporting on the envisioned event and <br />changes to the agreement for assumption of responsibility and waiver of liability section. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Facility Rental Application and Waiver of <br />Liability. <br /> <br />Approve Resolution Approving Oneka Prairie Preliminary Plan and Ordinance Approving <br />PUD Rezoning <br /> <br />Southwind Holdings, LLC, had requested approval of a preliminary plat and planned unit <br />development (PUD) for a residential development. The property totaled 24.23 acres. The <br />preliminary plat included 59 single family residential lots and seven outlots to be known as <br />“Oneka Prairie”. The PUD General Plan would be for all 24.83 acres of the property and was <br />proposed to be rezoned from Future Urban Service (FUS) to Planned Unit Development (PUD). <br />The property included 3.92 acres of wetlands for a total buildable acreage of 20.28 acres. The net <br />density for the development was 2.9 units per acre. This met the density requirement for the land <br />use. At its December 8, 2022, meeting, the Planning Commission considered the request and <br />held a public hearing. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of <br />requests. <br /> <br />Klein removed this item from the Consent Agenda stating he had been contacted by Lee Ann <br />Steffens who had questions on the application <br /> <br />Lee Ann Steffens was present with her legal counsel, Patrick Doran. Lee Ann stated she was the <br />property owner to the west and didn’t feel she had enough information to be comfortable with <br />the road plan. Doran talked about the roadway going on a 20-year-old easement and said the <br />City was going against the plan and changed it, likely due to the road created to the south. There <br />were concern the City and developer would be using more of their property than necessary for <br />this development. They had concerns that if the roadway connects identically going straight <br />north, they would lose 10 feet of their property. Another issue was lack of access to half of their <br />parcel. There was a wetland in the middle of the property, and the farmers use access points <br />south of the wetland. With the curb and gutter being proposed with no curb cutouts, access <br />would be restricted. He said if the developer would be willing to do a curb cut and driveway, <br />they could figure that issue out. Steffens did not want to derail the development, but wanted to <br />have discussions with the engineer and staff to resolve some of the issues. <br /> <br />Community Development Director Rachel Juba explained they did not have all final construction <br />plans yet. Once the application goes to final plat, they will have the construction documents that <br />will be shared with the Steffens. <br /> <br />Bryan suggested they meet with staff saying they were onboard with the road being as far east as <br />is recommended for the road design. The City was not removing any access points, and those <br />would typically be created with a driveway permit.