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<br />G.6 Approve the Special Event Permit for Spring and Fall Outdoor Services at New Life <br />Church <br /> <br />David Streitz on behalf of New Life Church has applied for a Special Event Permit to hold <br />outdoor events on Sunday, June 11 and a Sunday in the fall (date not yet determined) on <br />their property at 6000 148th Street North. A Special Event Permit is required because they <br />are using an amplified sound system during the event. Both spring and fall events will <br />include a free outdoor service held from 9-10:30 a.m. followed by a picnic from noon-4 p.m. <br />Approximately 100 people are expected to attend. The event will include a potluck and <br />games. Amplified sound will be used for the service and possibly for games during the <br />picnic. There may also be 1-2 small canopy tents set up for the event. The fall event may <br />include a small band and hayrides around the property. Staff recommends Council approve <br />the Special Event Permit for New Life Church for outdoor events on June 11 and a Sunday <br />in the fall to be determined. <br /> <br />G.7 Approve Special Event Permit for the Military Rodeo on August 25-26, 2023 <br /> <br />Freddie Waltz from Veterans Up North Rodeo, Inc. has applied for a Special Event Permit to <br />hold a Military Rodeo at the Dead Broke Arena, 5676 170th Street North. This is a two-day <br />military rodeo event on August 25 and 26, 2023. Approximately 90 military rodeo athletes and <br />1,500 - 3,000 spectators are expected to attend. This event will be held entirely on the Ramberg <br />property (Dead Broke Arena) and will be a competition consisting of six rodeo events taking <br />place between 7:00 p.m. – 9 p.m. each day. There will be local vendors between 5 p.m. – 9 p.m., <br />and food and alcohol will be served. Hugo City Code requires a Special Event Permit approved <br />by Council for any event that expects over 200 people in attendance, serves alcohol, and includes <br />amplified music or sound. Staff recommends Council approve the Special Event Permit for the <br />Military Rodeo on August 25 and 26, 2023, as described in their application in addition to <br />conditions in the SEP memo. <br /> <br />G.8 Approve Temporary On-Sale Liquor License for the Hugo American Legion for the <br />Military Rodeo on August 25-26, 2023 <br /> <br />The Hugo American Legion has applied for a Temporary On-Sale Liquor License to serve beer <br />at the Military Rodeo at the Dead Broke Arena on August 25 and 26. The Legion has paid the <br />fee and submitted the appropriate Certificate of Insurance for the event. Staff recommends <br />Council approve the On-Sale Liquor License for the Hugo American Legion for the Military <br />Rodeo. <br /> <br />G.9 Approve Temporary On-Sale Liquor License for the Hugo Lions Club for Good <br />Neighbor Days on June 9-11, 2023 <br /> <br />The Hugo Lions Club has applied for a Temporary On-Sale Liquor License to serve alcohol at <br />the Hugo Good Neighbor Days on June 9-11, 2023. The Lion Club has paid the fee and <br />submitted the appropriate Certificate of Insurance for the event. Staff recommends Council <br />approve the On-Sale Liquor License for the Hugo Lions for Good Neighbor Days. <br /> <br />G.10 Approve Amendments to Solid Waste Ordinance Limiting Licensed Refuse Haulers <br /> <br />Currently, Hugo City Code allows for seven licensed refuse haulers, and up until this year, all <br />seven licenses had been issued. Waste Management purchased SRC, dba Forest Lake Sanitation <br />at the end of last year, so SRC did not reapply for a 2023 license. This reduced the number of <br />licenses issued to six. In the past, the City Council has expressed interest in reducing the wear on <br />public infrastructure caused by multiple garbage trucks traveling on the same streets. Staff feels