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<br />an approved wetland bank. Staff recommends approval of the wetland replacement plan, subject to <br />final Technical Evaluation Panel issuance of the Notice of Decision for the wetland replacement <br />application. <br /> <br />J.1 Resolution to Order Repair or Removal of a Hazardous Building at 14197 Forest <br />Boulevard North <br /> <br />On September 21, 2022, there was as structure fire at the property located at 14197 Forest <br />Boulevard North. The house on the property is substantially damaged due to the fire. The house is <br />in a state of dilapidation and is hazardous to the health and safety of the public. Staff has been in <br />contact with the owners about the hazardous and nuisance state of the building. Staff has not been <br />made aware that the owners have made a decision on how to abate the violations and remove the <br />hazardous building. Minnesota State Statute provides city’s authority and a process to deal with <br />hazardous buildings. This process allows the city to order a property owner to repair and remove a <br />hazardous building. Identifying the house as hazardous and adopting an order for its repair or <br />removal is the first step in the process to deal with the hazardous building. If the owner does not do <br />the work, the Court can grant the city authority to remove the hazardous building and charge all the <br />costs against the property as a special assessment on their property taxes. Staff recommends the <br />City Council approve the resolution to order repair or removal of a hazardous building at 14197 <br />Forest Boulevard North. <br /> <br />J.2 Discussion on Use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds to Fund Road <br />Maintenance Projects <br /> <br />To date the City has received the full allocation of $1,668,411.91 of ARPA Funds. The City is <br />allowed to use these funds to fund general government services. The US Department of Treasury <br />expressly recognized road building and road maintenance as a government service. Due to the <br />unprecedented freeze-thaw cycle that took place Spring of 2023 many roads in the City are in worse <br />condition than staff would typically expect to see. Staff worked together to re-evaluate the Street <br />CIP and found that there are many roads that are not on the upcoming CIP in worse condition than <br />some roads currently on the CIP and found a need to reorganize the order of the upcoming <br />projects. Staff would like to discuss with Council the possibility of using ARPA Funds to fund road <br />maintenance projects. <br /> <br />K.2 Resident Kayte Barton – Transportation for People with Disabilities and Seniors <br /> <br />Resident Kayte Barton has contacted City staff requesting to speak to Council regarding Metro <br />Mobility transportation services in Hugo. <br /> <br />M.1 Approve Change in June Council Meetings to One Meeting on Monday, June 12, 2023 <br /> <br />Regularly scheduled Council meetings in June are June 5th and 19th. In anticipation of the State <br />declaring Juneteenth a State holiday on Monday, June 19th, Staff is recommending Council hold one <br />meeting in June on June 12th. Staff had determined anticipated agenda items can be brought to <br />Council on that date. <br /> <br />M.2 Approve Change in City Administrator’s Performance Review to Monday, June 12, 2023 <br /> <br />At its May 1, 2023, meeting, Council scheduled the City Administrator’s performance review to be <br />held on Monday, June 5th. If Council approves the change in June meeting dates to one day on June <br />12th, staff recommends Council reschedule the City Administrator’s performance review for that <br />date at 6:00 p.m.