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<br /> <br />M.3 Approve Closing City Hall on Monday, July 3, 2023 <br /> <br />According to the City’s Personnel Policy, each regular, full-time employee who has worked for the <br />City for one calendar year is allowed one day of their choosing as a personal holiday. Staff has <br />collectively requested to use their personal holiday on Monday, July 3, and requests Council close <br />City Hall on that date. <br /> <br />M.4 Approve Change in July Council Meetings to Monday, July 10 and Monday, July 24, <br />2023 <br /> <br />There are five Mondays in the month of July. Staff would like to reschedule the July meeting dates <br />to July 10th and 24th instead of July 3rd and 17th. This would allow for the cancellation of the July <br />3rd meeting and keep the July meetings two weeks apart. <br /> <br />N. Adjournment <br /> <br /> <br />