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2023.11.20 Packet
City Council
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2023.11.20 Packet
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Last modified
11/20/2023 11:09:52 AM
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11/20/2023 11:09:42 AM
City Council
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BACKGROUND MEMO FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON NOV 20, 2023 <br />D.1 Approval of Minutes for the November 6, 2023, Council Meeting <br />D.2 Approval of Minutes for the November 15, 2023, Community Meeting on Glacial Hills Master <br />Plan <br />Staff recommends Council approve the above minutes as presented. <br />G. 1 Approval of Claims <br />Staff recommends Council approve the Claims Roster as presented. <br />G.2 Approve Resignation of Accounting Clerk Amber Lozier and Advertisement for the <br />Position <br />Amber was hired in February 2015 to work on the City’s Laserfiche project. In 2018, Amber <br />became the City’s full-time Finance and Public Works Administrative Assistant and in 2021, she <br />was appointed as the new Accounting Clerk. Amber has accepted a job as an accounting clerk <br />for the City of Stacy and has submitted her letter of resignation. Staff recommends Council <br />approve the letter of resignation from Accounting Clerk Amber Lozier effective November 22, <br />2023, and approve the advertisement for a new accounting clerk. <br />G.3 Approve Midyear Performance Review for Public Works Mechanic Steve Garcia <br />Steve Garcia was hired by the City as a full-time mechanic in June of 2022. Since his hiring, <br />Steve has proven his abilities as a highly skilled mechanic and has taken the role very <br />professional He is directly heading up the task of implementing a vehicle and equipment <br />maintenance tracking software project and has also recently completed a parts room inventory <br />and identified many parts that are unnecessary for us to keep in stock. These two tasks are <br />crucial to the efficiency of the mechanic’s shop. Steve is a valuable member of the department <br />and well respected by the staff. Staff has completed a performance review for Steve and it has <br />been placed in his personnel file. The mechanic position is considered a leadership position and <br />is aligned as so in the current Public Works flow chart. Current pay for the position is a pay <br />grade 5 with a personal tools stipend of $140 per pay period. Staff is recommending the removal <br />of the personal tools stipend and reassigning the position to a pay grade 6 which aligns with the <br />Lead Worker positions. As mentioned above, the mechanics position is very important to the <br />department and carries extra responsibilities that are not associated with the general Public <br />Works Worker positions. Staff is requesting City Council approval to reassign the Public Works <br />Mechanic position to pay grade 6 with the removal of the personal tool stipend and place Steve <br />Garcia at step 5 on January 1, 2024. <br />G.4 Approve Hiring of Miguel Souffront as Public Works Worker <br />Public Works staff recently held interviews to fill a position that became vacant in <br />September. Staff was very pleased with the quality of the applicants and we are happy to <br />recommend the hiring of Miguel Souffront to fill the vacant position of Public Works <br />Worker. Miguel comes to us with years of experience as a truck driver and landscape laborer <br />and also nine years of military service. Miguel will be a great asset to the City’s Public Works <br />Department. If approved, Miguel would begin work on Monday, December 4, 2023. Staff <br />recommends Council approval to hire Miguel Souffront as a Public Works Worker.
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