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Council Meeting Minutes for February 5, 2024 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br /> <br />Approve Pay Request No. 3 to Miller Excavating, Inc. for the 140th St. Extension Project <br /> <br />Miller Excavating, Inc. had submitted Pay Request No. 3 in the amount of $18,959.26 for work <br />certified through December 31st, on the 140th Street Extension Project. The punch-list had been <br />completed and this was the final pay application for the project. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved payment to Miller Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $18,959.26 and formally accepted <br />the project. <br /> <br />Approve Letter of Support for Hammer & Ner’s CDBG Application <br /> <br />Hammer & NER had requested Hugo’s support on its application for 2024-2024 Community <br />Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding. Hammer & NER had two group homes located in <br />Hugo. The funding would be used towards improvements to the buildings including flooring <br />work in the bedrooms and living room spaces of both homes, and the installation of a medication <br />station in each home to make the process of medication distribution smoother for staff and <br />people supported. The funding would provide Hammer & NER the additional resources they <br />need to further their efforts to improve the quality of life for people in the community and their <br />caregivers. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the letter of support for Hammer & NER <br />request for funding from through the CDBG program. <br /> <br />Approve Final Plat and Development Agreement for 1st and 2nd Addition of Watercrest of <br />Hugo (Formerly Goodview Estates) <br /> <br />This was asked to be removed from the Consent by a resident in the audience. <br /> <br />Artemis Development Company, LLC., had requested approval of two final plats and development <br />agreements for property located west of Goodview Avenue and south of Egg Lake Road (CSAH <br />8). The first phase was Watercrest of Hugo that would plat 30 single family lots and the second <br />phase was Watercrest of Hugo 2nd Addition that would plat 29 single family lots. The City Council <br />approved the preliminary plat formerly known as Goodview Estates at its August 1, 2022, meeting. <br />The lots met the minimum lot standards and requirements outlined in the regulations for the Single <br />Family Detached Residential (R-3) zoning district. The final plats would have the new name <br />“Watercrest of Hugo”. <br /> <br />Ann Broste, 5965 138th Street stated that she had attended the July 14, 2023, Planning <br />Commission meeting where many items were discussed. She said she now understood there was <br />a different developer, and she was concerned whether they needed to comply with previous <br />approvals. <br /> <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear explained that when the City approves an application, they are <br />approving the application, not the developer. The new developer would be subject to the same <br />requirements that were approved for the old developer, Integrity Land Company. Major changes <br />to the plan would trigger new approvals. <br /> <br />Steve Juetten addressed the Council saying he was a representative for Artemis Development. He <br />explained they were a new company comprised of Tradition Land Development and Gahan <br />Company and together have developed over 10,000 lots around the community. He said he had