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Council Meeting Minutes for October 16, 2023 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />Public Hearing on the Birch Tree Ponds Area Street Project Assessments <br />At the September 14, 2023, meeting, Council adopted a resolution declaring costs to be assessed <br />for the 2023 Birch Tree Ponds Area Street Improvements and scheduled the assessment hearing <br />on the proposed assessments for October 16, 2023. The Notice of Assessment Hearing has been <br />published in the official newspaper and mailed to the owners of each parcel described in the <br />assessment roll at least two weeks prior to the hearing. <br />Erichson provided the background on the project beginning with authorization to prepare a <br />feasibility study in July, 2022 and the first neighborhood meeting held on September 29, 2022. <br />On March 6, 2023, City Council awarded the contract for the project to Northwest Asphalt, <br />Inc. Erichson provided a PowerPoint showing the project location and explained the types of <br />improvements that include partial road reconstruction and urban roadway mill and overlay <br />improvements. He showed several before and after photos of the project. He provided <br />information on the assessment policy saying 34% of the $1,959,000 project cost would be <br />covered by assessments and the remaining $1,286,100 would come from City funds. According <br />to the assessment policy, property owners on a road that had a partial reconstruction would be <br />assessed $4,100 per unit. For property owners on a road that had a mill and overlay, the <br />assessment would be $2,100 per unit with the exception of corner lots that would be prorated. <br />Erichson explained the assessment process was governed by Minnesota Statute Chapter 429, and <br />the City goes above and beyond the required number of meetings before the adoption of the <br />assessments. Assessments would be spread over a ten-year period at a 5.25% interest rate. <br />Assessments could be prepaid without interest for 30 days, until November 15, 2023. Unpaid <br />assessments would be certified to the County in the Fall for taxes payable in 2024. A senior <br />citizen deferral was available for those over 65, and Erichson noted that interest would still <br />accrue. Notices would be sent out with all this information. <br />The City had received a letter from Tim and Michele Riermersma who opposed their assessment. <br />Erichson wanted this in the record and said he did not believe anyone from staff had talked to <br />them about the project and said he was willing to discuss it with the property owner. <br />Mayor Weidt opened the public hearing. <br />Tim and Michele Riemersmas, 13545 Freeland Avenue North Hugo were present, and Michele <br />stated they would be happy to discuss this with staff. She said the assessment was not equal to <br />what was done in front of their home. She said she had no idea how large the assessment amount <br />would be, and Tim added they were disabled on a fixed income. Erichson replied that the <br />assessment amount and the assessment policy had been discussed in several meetings. Miron <br />asked about the deferral process, and Bear replied it was a City policy and governed by the state. <br />He suggested the Riemersmas make a request for the deferral, and it would be evaluated. <br />Dorann Lohrke, 14079 Fountain Avenue North, said she was pleased with the job that was done. <br />She said she had lived in her home since 1985. She asked about making the payment. Erichson <br />restated the information on payments and said a notice with that information would be sent out in <br />the mail the following morning. Payments would be made to the City of Hugo