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Council Meeting Minutes for October 16, 2023 <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />Michelle Lorentz, 6140 135th Street North, asked why she was paying when she didn’t get any <br />new curbs or an apron, and others got half of a new driveway. Erichson explained staff looks at <br />projects as a whole. Curbs and gutters were evaluated, and a lot of it was in good condition and <br />not needing replaced. He explained assessments are not related to what happens in front of the <br />house. Assessments are at set rate, and every parcel is the same. Staff evaluates for damage, <br />drainage, and modifications to grades. Erichson will reach out to meet with her and possibly the <br />Senior Engineering Technician Liz Finnegan. Michelle said she would like to make an <br />appointment, and Erichson told her how to contact him. <br />A resident at 5965 138th Street North said she wanted to say “thank you” and the project looked <br />great. She said she had met with Liz and was appreciative of that. She said they did discover <br />drainage problems, but overall it worked well, and she thanked the Council. <br />Robert Pasqualini, 13810 Foxhill Avenue North, said they love the new street. He said they <br />weren’t aware they had to pay this interest and there was a short deadline to pay before it goes on <br />taxes and interest accrues. Ericson replied the property owners have the ability to pay in full <br />before November 15 with no interest, and they could also pay off any remaining portion of the <br />balance every year there after. Bear added that a mailing would be going out the following day <br />with instructions, and he encouraged anyone to contact the City’s Finance Director with <br />questions. <br />There were no other comments, and Weidt closed the public hearing. <br />Miron talked about staff’s willingness to visit folks onsite. Much of the project was being paid <br />for with the City’s taxpayers’ dollars. It is a goal to keep costs reasonable by not fixing things <br />that don’t need repaired, but still provide a good project with a quality road. He encouraged <br />residents to contact staff with questions. <br />Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2023 -36 <br />RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENTS FOR THE 2023 BIRCH TREE PONDS AREA <br />STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. <br />Role call vote- <br />Ayes: Klein, Miron, Petryk, Weidt <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Approve Resolutions Approving Feasibility Study and Set Public Hearing for the 125th and <br />Dellwood Ridge Development Street Improvement Project <br />City Engineer Mark Erichson explained the 2024 125th Street and Dellwood Ridge <br />Neighborhood Street Improvement Project consisted of roadway reclamation and paving of 125th <br />Street and complete roadway reconstruction and storm water improvements in the Dellwood <br />Ridge Neighborhood area. The roadway reclamation and paving would include 125th Street <br />North from Goodview Avenue North to 122nd Street North (CSAH 7). Work on Upper Heather <br />Avenue North from 125th Avenue North to Heather Avenue North and Heather Avenue North <br />from 125th Avenue North to 120th Street North (CSAH 7) would involve complete reconstruction <br />and storm water improvements. Erichson provided a PowerPoint with photos showing the <br />current road conditions. A neighborhood informational meeting was held on September 27, <br />2023.