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Council Meeting Minutes for November 6, 2023 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />Approve Resolutions Approving Variance and Encroachment Agreement for 12033 <br />Everton Avenue <br />The applicants, Hunter and Brayanna Smith, had requested to construct a 1,200 square foot <br />accessory building. The requested variance was to allow for the proposed accessory building and <br />existing shed on the 0.86-acre property to have a rear yard setback of 10 feet, where 30 feet was <br />required by ordinance. There was a 60-foot-wide City owned right-of-way to the east of the <br />applicants’ property. The applicants had requested an encroachment agreement to allow for an <br />existing fence to remain within the right-of-way until such time that approved improvements <br />were made within the right-of-way. The Senior Engineering Technician had reviewed the <br />location of the fence and was comfortable with the request. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved RESOLUTION 2023-38 APPROVING A VARIANCE FROM THE REAR AND <br />SIDE YARD REQUIREMENTS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 12033 EVERTON <br />AVENUE NORTH, and RESOLUTION 2023-39 APPROVING AN ENCROACHMENT <br />AGREEMENT TO ALLOW A FENCE LOCATED WITHIN RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE EAST <br />OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 12033 EVERTON AVENUE NORTH. <br />Approve Resolution Adopting the Washington County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan <br />In 2006, Washington County’s Board of Commissioners adopted the Washington County All Hazard <br />Mitigation Plan which identified the hazards faced in the county, certain vulnerabilities to these <br />hazards, and mitigation strategies for the future. The 2018 Washington County Hazard <br />Mitigation Plan expired on November 22, 2023. Review of this plan by the State of Minnesota <br />Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and final approval by the Federal <br />Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) would make Washington County and the <br />municipalities that adopt this plan eligible for three Federal funding sources: Flood Mitigation <br />Assistance (FMA), Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC), and Hazard <br />Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) project funds. Washington County Commissioners had <br />adopted the All-Hazard Mitigation Plan and signed the resolution on Tuesday, October 24. Each <br />city and town must adopt resolutions approving the plan by November 22, 2023, in order to <br />maintain eligibility to apply for and/or receive FEMA grant funding. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2023-40 ADOPTING THE WASHINGTON COUNTY <br />ALL-HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN. <br />Schedule Community Meeting on Glacial Hills Regional Plan on Wednesday, November 15, <br />2023 <br />Washington County will host a community meeting to gather public input on the Glacial Hills <br />Regional Trail Master Plan. The meeting was to take place on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, <br />from 4:30 – 6:30 in the Oneka Room. <br />Strub made motion, Klein seconded, to schedule a meeting to attend the Glacial Hills Regional <br />Trail Master Plan meeting on Wednesday, November 15, 2023. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried.