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Council Meeting Minutes for November 20, 2023 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />assess only four. She invited Jody to meet with staff to go over the map of her parcel. Jody said <br />she would like to meet, and she said she appreciated that the Council was looking at the speed <br />issue. <br />Eric Johnson, 12115 Heather Avenue North questioned the increase of $70,000 to maintain the <br />entire width of the Heather as is. He asked if that was a low percentage of the project cost and if <br />there would be discussions about keeping the current width. Erichson replied that the current <br />width was unusually wide in a rural setting. He said wider roadways promote faster speeds, and <br />Public Works had interest in it being the standard 28 feet wide due to snow drifting and issues <br />with removing snow and storage of snow. The two feet on each side would be restored to grass. <br />Erichson said if there was concern, more conversations could be had with residents. Eric asked <br />if they could look at another urban roadway to compare the width, and Erichson replied he could <br />meet with him and show him. <br />John Hartman, 12215 Upper Heather Avenue North, said he seconded the concern about the <br />narrowing of the road. He said a lot of people walk on that road since there is no other place to <br />walk without the speeding traffic. He had concerns on drainage and was worried that it would <br />drain into to his driveway. He also commented on the width of the road saying kids are at play, <br />and he wondered how it was determined a narrower road reduced speed. Erichson replied that <br />there would be additional storm sewer inlets identified on the preliminary design to correct <br />drainage. He talked about studies that were done with traffic calming techniques and said he <br />could provide documentation. <br />Paul Donna, 12350 Upper Heather Avenue North, said he was in favor of the project and it was <br />long overdue. He said he had concerns and questions regarding the narrowing of the road and <br />hoped the decision could be postponed until that was figured out. <br />Aaron Zellmer, 12465 Upper Heather Avenue North, also had concerns about narrowing the road <br />saying they were in more of a rural residential setting, and cars parked on the side of the road <br />that create blind spots for the kids to be. Tractors also go through the neighborhood when they <br />are baling hay. He asked if it was going to be a rolling curb or at a 90-degree angle. Erichson <br />replied they typically put in more of a vertical curb rather than a rolling curb if they know where <br />the driveways are, and he asked Aaron if he had a concern or preference. Aaron replied that with <br />the larger lots, people have lawn tractors and four wheelers they use to maintain their property, <br />and a 90-degree curb would be harder to get over. Erichson said he would review it with the <br />Public Works staff, and if Council was inclined to have another neighborhood meeting to discuss <br />road widths, the curb could be discussed as well. <br />Brett Buelke, 12460 Heather Avenue North, said he had phone conversations with Erichson, and <br />he appreciated that. He asked what the current width of the road was. Erichson replied it was 32 <br />feet, and the plan was to take it two feet in on both sides. Brett said it was nice to have that extra <br />width to walk. He said they get a lot of walkers from 125th Street, and was nice to have a few <br />extra feet for walking, biking, and at dark. He would like to see the width stay the same as it was <br />currently. <br />There were no other comments, and the Mayor closed the public hearing. <br />Miron noted that most comments were about road widths. He said road projects in other sections <br />of the City were looked at with a sidewalk or pedestrian walkway, and he wondered if that was