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Council Meeting Minutes for November 20, 2023 <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />evaluated as part of this process. Erichson replied there didn’t seem to be an interest in <br />sidewalks, and it was not real cost effective in large and treed areas. He said sidewalks often <br />involve tree removal and it often feels like it is encroaching on the home. He said often <br />retrofitting was challenging because you don’t have consensus of the neighborhood. <br />Weidt asked Erichson how he thought this should be handled moving forward. Erichson replied <br />that he would be happy to engage with the Heather Avenue community. He said Public Works <br />was the driving force behind the desire to have the road narrowed, and they could be present at <br />the meeting. <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear suggested the neighborhood open house in January include <br />further discussion on road width and pedestrian options. Erichson replied that the plans would be <br />close to completion, and he would like to set up another meeting with those residents in that <br />portion of the project prior to that. <br />Klein agreed it would be worth the time sit down with residents since they are the ones that live <br />there. <br />Miron said he understood from Erichson there was a preference by Public Works to narrow the <br />road, but without Public Works input, it was hard for everyone to understand. He said it would <br />be good to have them part of the conservation to weigh all factors when making a decision on the <br />roadway. <br />Strub said more communication is better. They were getting good feedback and should address <br />what they can. <br />Klein made motion, Strub seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2023-41 ORDERING THE <br />PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS <br />FOR THE 2024 125th STREET AND DELLWOOD RIDGE NEIGHBORHOOD STREET <br />IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. <br />Weidt added there would be an additional discussion on road width and the final design of the <br />project. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on PFAS <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear explained the City had received documents concerning a Class <br />Action Lawsuit with 3M, Dupont, and others related to a settlement concerning PFAS in public <br />drinking water supplies. These notices were received by hundreds of water utilities across the <br />country and it required the City to take some action concerning its participation. City Attorney <br />Dave Snyder had reviewed this item and was ready to make a recommendation to the Council. <br />Snyder explained this was a large class action lawsuit that has been consolidated in South <br />Carolina to handle the issue of PFAS contamination in municipal water supplies. Most <br />municipal water suppliers were included in the contemplated settlement. There was an option to <br />opt-out of the settlement with deadlines of December 4 and December 11 for 3M and DuPont <br />respectively. Snyder said he felt that the City would be best served to remain in this class action