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Council Meeting Minutes for May 1, 2023 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />the Consent Agenda also approved the Water Reuse License Agreement with Premier Hugo MN, <br />LLC and AFLP Hugo, LLC, subject to review by City Attorney, Dave Snyder. <br />Approve Water Reuse Agreement for Keystone Place <br />The City of Hugo had successfully built the water reuse infrastructure as part of the CSAH 8 <br />water reuse project that also brought stormwater for irrigation purposes to Hugo Gardens, <br />Keystone Place, Lions Park, City Hall and portions of 147th Street. This would allow them to <br />connect to the stormwater reuse system and begin irrigating with stormwater. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the Water Reuse License Agreement with Hugo Senior Housing, <br />LLC, subject to review by City Attorney, Dave Snyder. <br />Approve Temporary Easement Agreement with Industrial Utilities <br />As M/I Homes continued with plans for the Roundabout at 159th Street and TH 61, Industrial <br />Utilities had expressed some concerns related to their singular access that was proposed to be <br />replaced with another access further to the south onto TH 61 and another added along 159th <br />Street. These concerns were raised with the developer and staff had developed a Letter of <br />Agreement that ensured that the developer would add fencing and rolling gates for security <br />purposes, install sewer and water services into the property, construct the two access points, <br />connect these access points to their existing parking lot, 159th be designed for a 10-ton standard <br />without limitations during spring road restrictions and add signage for pedestrians at their <br />entrance location that crosses a trail for safety purposes. Staff had also prepared temporary <br />easement documents allowing this work to take place. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the Letter of Agreement and temporary easements subject to City Attorney review. <br />Approve 2023 Dust Control Project <br />The City of Hugo applied dust control to approximately 23 miles of gravel roads located within its <br />municipal boundaries. The City’s 2023 General Budget had accounted for a dust control project in <br />2023. Quotes for dust control were received and opened on April 21, 2023. The following prices <br />were received: Northern Salt Inc. - $1.278/gallon and Envirotech Services - $1.32/gallon. The total <br />amount expected for the project is $136,882.45. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved a <br />contract with Northern Salt Inc. in the amount of $136,882.45 for the 2023 Dust Control Project. <br />Public Hearing on the Vacation of Road Easement – Rice Lake Reserve 3rd Addition and <br />Approve the Resolution Approving Rice Lake Reserve 3rd Final Plat and Development <br />Agreement <br />M/I Homes, had requested a vacation of the existing public road easement located over on a <br />portion of the property proposed to be developed as Rice Lake Reserve 3rd Addition. New road <br />right-of-way would be dedicated on the property in lieu of the easements at time the final plat <br />was recorded. Staff was comfortable with the applicant’s request to vacate the public road <br />easements. Community Development Director Rachel Juba explained M/I Homes was also <br />seeking approval of the final plat and development agreement for Rice Lake Reserve 3rd <br />Addition in order to plat 20 lots on property located north of Egg Lake Road (CSAH 8) and east <br />of Goodview Avenue, which would develop the last phase of the Rice Lake Reserve preliminary <br />plat and PUD. The lots met the minimum lot standards and requirements outlined in the <br />regulations for the Rice Lake Reserve PUD. Staff had recommended approval of the resolution