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Council Meeting Minutes for May 15, 2023 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved ORDINANCE NO. 2023-524 AMENDING HUGO <br />CITY CODE, CHAPTER 10, ARTICLE II – DOGS, SECTION 10- 39 – PENALTIES and <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2023-525 AMENDING HUGO CITY CODE CHAPTER 10, <br />ARTICLE II - DOGS, SECTION 10-32 - NUISANCES. <br />Approve Pay Request No. 9 to Peterson Companies for Downtown Improvement/Lions <br />Park Project <br />Peterson Companies, Inc. had submitted Pay Voucher No. 9 in the amount of $157,733.32 for <br />work certified through April 30, 2023, on the 2021 Downtown Improvement/Lions Park Project. <br />Substantial work had been completed on the project. Pay Voucher No. 9 covered installation of <br />the fence around the playground and along the retaining wall within the playground. Punch-list <br />items were currently on-going. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved payment to Peterson <br />Companies, Inc. in the amount of $157,733.32. <br />Approve Advertisement for Public Works Utility Lead Worker <br />The City Council, at their February 6, 2023, meeting, approved the job description for a Public <br />Works Utility Lead Worker and gave authorization to advertise for an internal candidate to fill <br />the position. This position was not filled by an internal candidate. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the advertisement for the position of Utility Lead Worker. <br />Approve Purchase of Loggers and Scope of Work from WSB for North Star Wetland Bank <br />Data Collection <br />At the meeting of February 6, 2023, Council heard an update on the North Star Wetland Bank. <br />WSB and Associates had prepared the draft prospectus which was reviewed by the Technical <br />Evaluation Panel. They had not yet made a decision on the project, but it was likely that the TEP <br />would require additional data. WSB had provided a scope of work for hydrology monitoring and <br />soil investigation between May and September 2023 for a cost of $9,294. WSB ahd <br />recommended the City purchase data loggers, in lieu of renting them, as it is likely that <br />monitoring would be required from now through potential construction and maintenance phases. <br />Purchase of six Rugged TROLL 100s was estimated to cost $3,260.00. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the purchase of the data loggers and the scope of work from WSB for North <br />Star Wetland Bank data collection. <br />Approve Wetland Replacement Plan for Oneka Prairie – Oneka Parkway Extension <br />Southwind Holdings, LLC, was proposing to develop a 25-acre property located at the north end <br />of Oneka Parkway to be known as Oneka Prairie. The development would include 59 residential <br />lots and a public park, with a short extension of Oneka Parkway to the north. Where the <br />extension was proposed to be constructed small wetland impacts were proposed. The applicant <br />was proposing to replace the impacts to the wetland basin though the purchase of wetland credits <br />from an approved wetland bank. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the wetland <br />replacement plan, subject to final Technical Evaluation Panel issuance of the Notice of Decision <br />for the wetland replacement application.