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2023.05.15 CC Minutes
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City Council Minutes
2023 CC Minutes
2023.05.15 CC Minutes
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Council Meeting Minutes for May 15, 2023 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />Resolution to Order Repair or Removal of a Hazardous Building at 14197 Forest <br />Boulevard North <br />Community Development Director Rachel Juba explained that on September 21, 2022, there was <br />as structure fire at the property located at 14197 Forest Boulevard North. The house on the <br />property was substantially damaged due to the fire. The house was in a state of dilapidation and <br />hazardous to the health and safety of the public. In addition, Washington County Sheriff’s <br />Department had informed staff that there had been reports of people breaking into the building. <br />Staff had been in contact with the owners and were not aware if the owners had decided on how <br />to abate the violations and remove the hazardous building. <br />Juba presented three options available to the City. The City could do nothing, provide the <br />owners more time to make a decision, or use statutory authority to order repair or removal of the <br />hazardous building. She provided information on the Minnesota State Statute that provided the <br />authority and process to deal with hazardous buildings. The order would go through the court <br />system. The City would first need to identifying the house as hazardous and adopt an order for <br />its repair or removal. This order would be served to property owners and lien holders, and they <br />would be given a specified amount of time to repair or remove the building. If the owner did not <br />do the work, the Court could grant the City authority to remove the hazardous building and <br />charge all the costs against the property as a special assessment on their property taxes. Staff <br />recommended Council approve the resolution to order repair or removal of the building. <br />Miron asked about interactions with property owners and the due process. Juba replied staff had <br />talked to both owners several times and had contacted the insurance company. The order would <br />be for the repair or removal of the structure, and staff would work with the property owner if <br />they decided to obtain a building permit to repair. <br />Petryk asked how much time the property owner would have. Rachel responded there would be a <br />specified time in the order. Snyder added that if it resulted in a court order, they would have <br />another 30 days to bring it into compliance. If it is not brought into compliance within that time, <br />it is filed with the district court. The shortest amount of time would be 21 days after filed with <br />district court, but 60 days could easily be added to that depending on court scheduling. He said <br />there was plenty of due process and opportunities for the resident to get this taken care of <br />voluntarily. <br />Juba added that a letter that was sent out to the property owner, mortgage company, and <br />insurance company informing them of this meeting tonight if they wanted to provide any <br />documentation or attend. No one was in attendance. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2023-7 RESOLUTION <br />APPROVING AN ORDER OF THE CITY OF HUGO REGARDING HAZARDOUS AND <br />SUBSTANDARD BUILDING LOCATED AT 14197 FOREST BOULEVARD NORTH, <br />HUGO, MINNESOTA. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried.
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