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Council Meeting Minutes for July 10, 2023 <br />Page 4 of 11 <br />Approve Language Update to the Hugo Firefighter’s Relief Association Bylaws <br />After reviewing the current and historical bylaws of the Hugo Firefighter’s Relief Association <br />the Office of the State Auditor had requested that the Relief Association update their bylaws to <br />specify the deferred interest credit method. Historically, deferred interest had been based on full <br />calendar years and the Relief Association had voted to update the language in their bylaws to <br />specify this method and had formally requested City Council ratification of this language update. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the language update to the Hugo Firefighter’s Relief <br />Association Bylaws specifying that the deferred interest credit method will be based on full <br />calendar years. <br />Approve Temporary Liquor License for Hugo Lions Club for Wilson Tool Picnic <br />The Hugo Lions Club had applied for a Temporary On-Sale Liquor License to serve alcohol at <br />the Wilson Tool picnic to be held at Hanifl Fields on Saturday, August 12, 2023 Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the Temporary Liquor License for the Hugo Lions Club. <br />Public Hearing on Interim Ordinance for Cannabis <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear provided background on the legalization of cannabis and asked <br />the Council consider a moratorium with further policy discussions later. In 2022, legislation was <br />approved to allowed the sale of edible cannabinoid products (THC) with no regulatory structure. <br />The city adopted a moratorium that will expire on August 15, 2023. In 2023, the legislature <br />legalized sale and possession of cannabinoid products, which included low potency hemp edibles <br />and related products with 16 different licenses. The Office of Cannabis Management was being <br />created and would research, study, make rules, establish policies, and exercise regulatory <br />authority over the industry. They would also draft model ordinance including zoning and <br />develop forms and documents. Licensing would happen at the OCM, and cities would be <br />notified. This was to be completed by January 1, 2025. This legislation was considered at the last <br />Council meeting and staff was directed to schedule a public hearing for this evening to consider a <br />moratorium on cannabis businesses. <br />Cities would be required to certify licenses met zoning codes, have a registration process, and do <br />compliance checks. Cities could collect a registration fee and will receive a share of the <br />cannabis tax. The City was allowed to impose reasonable regulations on the time, place, and <br />manner of operation of cannabis businesses and on the number of licenses for cannabis <br />businesses with at least one per 12,500 people. <br />Bear explained cannabinoid products were defined as cannabis and lower-potency hemp. <br />Cannabis products are products infused by cannabinoids or containing cannabis concentrate and <br />do not include lower-potency hemp edibles, which are artificially derived cannabinoids. The <br />edible cannabinoid products definition was left over from the 2022 statute that was specific to <br />the percentage of THC in the products. The 2023 Statute allowed edible cannabinoid products to <br />be sold in exclusive liquor stores.