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Council Meeting Minutes for July 10, 2023 <br />Page 5 of 11 <br />Bear reviewed the current moratorium in place until August 15, 2023 on edibles stating the City <br />could not extend it beyond 12 months but could enact a new ordinance on cannabis businesses. <br />A cannabis business did not include the sale of low-potency edibles. The City could enact a new <br />moratorium under statute 462.355 that could cover those products as well. He recommended <br />Council adopt a new moratorium, an interim ordinance, for 12 months that would be a <br />combination of both statutes to allow the City to conduct studies and develop its own regulations. <br />Exclusive liquor stores would be exempt. The only thing that currently prohibited the products in <br />liquor stores was the current existing moratorium. They would be allowed after August 15, <br />2023, following state regulations. Before approving a new moratorium, a public hearing was <br />required. <br />Council members asked for clarification on what would be allowed after the current moratorium <br />expired. Bear explained that all products had been recategorized under the new statute. The <br />proposed ordinance and would include all products except for edible cannabinoid products that <br />would be allowed to be sold in exclusive liquor stores. <br />Mayor Weidt opened the public hearing. <br />Mike Fish, 6193 152nd Street, talked about limiting licenses to one per 12,500 residents, <br />minimum two in the City, and if liquor stores would be included as a cannabis business. Bear <br />explained the limitation would be two cannabis business, and businesses that exclusively sell <br />edibles are not counted as cannabis businesses. The moratorium would only allow for the sale in <br />liquor stores, and eventually the Council would have the policy level discussion. <br />There were no other comments, and Mayor Weidt closed the public hearing. <br />Miron asked for clarification that nothing being proposed tonight prohibited anyone from their <br />own personal use of cannabis when it became legal. Bryan stated that was correct. <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to approve ORDINANCE NO. 2023-527, AN INTERIM <br />ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE SALE, TESTING, MANUFACTURING, AND <br />DISTRIBUTION OF CANNABINOID PRODUCTS. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Public Hearing on Vacation of Drainage and Utility Easement for Adelaide Landing and <br />Approval of Final Plat and Development Agreement for 7th and 8th Addition <br />Community Development Director Rachel Juba explained that S & S Real Estate Holdings, LLC, <br />had requested a vacation of the existing drainage and utility easement located over Lot 1, Block <br />12, Adelaide Landing. The Outlot would be used for the development of Adelaide Landing 7th <br />and 8th Additions. This lot had an existing home on the property that would be demolished. New <br />drainage and utility easements would be placed on the lots at the time the final plat was recorded. <br />The applicant had also requested approval of a final plat and development agreement in order to <br />plat six lots for the 7th Addition and one lot for the 8th Addition. These final plat requests would <br />plat the remaining seven lots from the Adelaide Landing preliminary plat. These were the final