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Because there are exis�ng walking paths and farm access roads, the clearing work is an�cipated to be <br />minimal for the majority of the trails to be constructed. New trees and shrubs will be planted near the <br />parking lot. <br />E. Wetland Resources <br /> <br />The property has two wetlands indicated in previous delinea�ons last conducted in 2001. The first <br />wetland is a seven acre wetland sedge meadow. The second wetland is the catail marsh on the <br />southwest shore of Oneka Lake. A wooded glacial beach ridge consis�ng of oaks and variety of na�ve <br />shrubs separates the two wetlands. Construc�on in the park is not proposed to disturb or impact the <br />wetlands. <br /> <br />Water quality of Oneka Lake will con�nue to be protected. The shoreline will con�nue to be buffered by <br />the ice ridge throughout most of the property. A fishing pier is proposed to be constructed at an exis�ng <br />separa�on in the ice ridge. The pier, trails, and other park ameni�es will have minimal impact on the <br />overall hydrologic se�ng. <br /> <br />The east side of Oneka Lake consists of 10 acre lots. This land use se�ng is likely to be maintained and <br />the hydrologic se�ng maintained. The west side of Oneka Lake is likely to see addi�onal residen�al <br />development. The city-owned property immediately north of Bernin Park was acquired through park <br />dedica�on in partnership with the developers. A significant buffer of the shoreline was maintained in <br />addi�on to the recrea�onal benefit of trail construc�on. The natural buffer and recrea�onal trail is likely <br />to con�nue north along the west shoreline of Oneka Lake with future residen�al development. This will <br />protect the water quality of the lake and prevent nega�ve impacts due to drainage. <br /> <br />F. Geologic and Physiographic Features <br />Bernin Park is located within the major landform of the Anoka Sand Plain, which consists of level to <br />gently rolling topography. The Anoka Sand Plain is composed of fine sand deposited by streams and <br />large lakes over glacial �lls. The project area has soils formed dominantly in outwash. Much of the <br />project area contains Isan� and Lino soils. The ice ridge, which follows the shoreline is gently sloped and <br />vegetated with grasses and trees. <br />G. Flood Plains <br /> <br />There are three Rice Creek Watershed District floodplains within the general park areas. East (Oneka <br />Lake) with the NAVD 88 eleva�on of 931.36, West (a small depressed area on the west side of the parcel) <br />with the NAVD 88 eleva�on of 930.29, and South (the exis�ng pond on the parcel south of the park) with <br />the NAVD 88 eleva�on of 931.17. Any fill within the two floodplains on the park property will have <br />compensatory storage created, as needed. <br /> <br />H. Air Quality/Noise <br />The proposed park improvements will generate a minimal amount of vehicle traffic and any increase in <br />vehicle related air emissions would be negligible. Construc�on of the proposed improvements would <br />generate some dust and noise during the construc�on period of four to six weeks. The city would