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RESOLUTION 2024-18 <br /> APPROVING FINDINGS OF FACT DENYING A SITE PLAN AND INTERIM USE <br /> PERMIT FOR A SOLAR FARM ON PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF EVERTON <br /> AVENUE NORTH AND NORTH OF 149TH STREET NORTH <br /> WHEREAS, EESolar13, LLC. has requested approval of a Site Plan and Interim Use Permit <br /> (IUP)to allow for a solar farm on the property legally described as follows: <br /> See Attached <br /> WHEREAS,the Planning Commission has reviewed the application at a duly called public hearing <br /> and recommended approval, and; <br /> WHEREAS,based on all of the proceedings and hearings herein,the City Council finds as follows; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br /> OF HUGO, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does deny the request by EESolarl3, LLC, <br /> for an interim use permit to allow for a solar farm, based on the following findings: <br /> 1. The solar farm consists of the following structures and equipment: A solar array made of <br /> silicon-based solar panels connected to steel I-beams which are embedded into the <br /> ground a minimum of nine feet in depth, a galvanized chain-link fence with posts <br /> embedded in concrete, a 200 square foot equipment pad with an electrical transformer, <br /> equipment rack, and utility meters, and a 4,400 square foot gravel access driveway. The <br /> solar panel array encompasses 5 acres of the 12-acre parcel. <br /> 2. The lot area upon which the solar farm is proposed is a narrow lot of agricultural property <br /> that has been zoned Agricultural (AG). The area was incorporated in to the MUSA in the <br /> comprehensive plan written in 1998, and later removed from the MUSA in a 2006 <br /> Comprehensive Plan Amendment because of a stated desire of the city council and <br /> residents to preserve the area as large lot residential with the uses typical of such areas <br /> including light agricultural characteristics such as animal husbandry and small garden <br /> plots. It is not an agricultural area that is surrounded, by and large,by other large-scale <br /> residential parcels or forestry uses as may be the case in connection with properties in <br /> other, non-isolated agricultural districts. The neighborhood, thus, includes not just <br /> agricultural parcels (albeit smaller ones)but also extensive residential development, <br /> especially to its immediate east and north. <br /> 3. The specific parcel proposed for the solar farm is unique in that it was specifically <br /> reserved, along with a handful of others to remain an agricultural enclave surrounded, <br /> however,by more urbanized, and denser development. Thus, although it is zoned <br /> agricultural and outside of the MUSA it is immediately adjacent to high density <br /> residential development and more urbanized parcels than would be the case if it was <br /> contiguous to multiple agricultural parcels as is typical elsewhere in the City. <br /> 4. This neighborhood is also the only area of the city that is zoned AG but has the land use <br /> designation in the current Comprehensive Plan of Large Lot Residential (LL). The lot <br /> development is consistent with large lot residential. <br />