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Resolution 2024-18 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 5. The parcel which would receive the solar has high to medium density residential units <br /> immediately abutting it to its east. In fact, the density of those residences is <br /> approximately 4.5 units per acre and they are within the Water's Edge South Planned <br /> Unit Development, which has an underlying zoning of Low Density Multiple Family <br /> Residential (R-4). The parcel would be visible from approximately 64 townhomes. These <br /> structures are 2.5-3 stories high and will have direct exposure to the solar farm apparatus. <br /> To its north lies a large residential lot with open field which abuts more multifamily and <br /> single-family housing. <br /> 6. The City has fashioned its ordinance to allow, with discretion, solar farms in agricultural <br /> areas so that their visibility from neighboring structures is limited and their visual <br /> impacts can be minimized through by distance, screening and limited population impact. <br /> As agricultural parcels in the City appear, this one is the one most surrounded by <br /> residential and urban uses which have not been chosen for receipt of solar farms over the <br /> preference, instead, to isolate them. <br /> 7. While the neighborhood does include agriculturally zoned properties they have a guided <br /> land use of large lot residential and the site is adjacent to parcels with a guided land use <br /> of medium density residential. <br /> 8. The solar farm is not compatible with the present character of the surrounding area. <br /> There is an unusual concentration of homes in the area which would expose the facility to <br /> more viewsheds than what is typical in the Agricultural (AG) zoning district. This <br /> neighborhood is the smallest contiguous area of agriculturally zoned property within the <br /> City, and the parcel is unique in its proximity to high density residential properties and <br /> associated sightlines. The concentration of homes and high frequency of sightlines <br /> oriented in the direction of the facility make it more conspicuous than would be the case <br /> in a purely agricultural district where homes are distant and land buffers larger. <br /> 9. The City Council concludes that the introduction of a solar farm of this size, in this <br /> configuration and on this lot would negatively alter the essential character of the <br /> neighborhood by, without limitation, introducing solar arrays and related equipment <br /> adjacent to high density housing, by placing it on large lot residential uses which are a <br /> lesser agricultural use than is seen on large AG parcels,by introducing an exclusively <br /> nonresidential structure into an area surrounded by residential structure and by rendering <br /> it conspicuously visible from the homes and land area to the east. <br /> 10. There is no comparable use in this area that would allow the use to be said to be <br /> compatible with the structures and development patterns of the area which now exist. <br /> Given the configuration and height of the homes to the east, there is little that can be done <br /> to completely screen the solar arrays. This is also a result of the orientation of the lots in <br /> this neighborhood (ie; horizontally oriented and narrow rather than square and wide). <br />