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Council Meeting Minutes for June 3, 2024 <br />Page 6 of 11 <br /> <br />Community Development Director Rachel Juba explained that Liberty Classical Academy was <br />seeking approval of a site plan and conditional use permit (CUP) for an approximately 33,500 <br />square foot building addition to the existing school and associated parking on the property <br />located at 10158 122nd Street North. The building addition would include classrooms, <br />gymnasium, and other learning spaces. The addition would be added to the north of the existing <br />building. The existing parking lot would be moved to the east of the building, and access would <br />be off Keller Avenue. Washington County required the access to 120th Street North be removed <br />except for emergencies. <br /> <br />Juba reviewed the building materials, architecture, and the criteria for approving a Conditional <br />Use Permit. The property was guided as Public/Quasi Public/Agricultural in the 2040 <br />Comprehensive Plan and zoned Agricultural which allowed for schools with a CUP. She said <br />staff found it met all the ordinance standards for site plan and CUP approval. <br /> <br />At the May 9, 2024, City of Hugo Planning Commission meeting, a public hearing on the request <br />was held, and the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval subject to changes <br />to the lighting plan and parking lot setbacks, and they directed staff to have additional discussion <br />with the County on access. Staff met with Washinton County on May 21, 2024, who confirmed <br />the access on Keller Avenue was reasonable and safe and stated the roads had capacity for <br />additional traffic with improvements of turn lanes. <br /> <br />The applicant had also applied for a CUP in May Township for the stormwater facilities and <br />septic system to be located in May Township. Their Planning Commission held a public hearing <br />on May 30, 2024. There was a motion to approve it subject to three additional conditions, but <br />the motion failed, and it would go to the Town Board on June 6, 2024, with no recommendation <br />from the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />Council had questions on the parking lot lighting plan, access, school zone signage, and turn <br />lanes. Juba answered the questions saying staff had received revised parking lot and lighting <br />plans, but they had not yet been reviewed. The current access did not meet the County’s <br />requirements, and the County was comfortable with one on Keller Avenue with the addition of <br />turn lanes, which the school would be responsible for construction and financing. Washington <br />County had criteria for school zone signage, but as proposed, the school did not meet the criteria. <br /> <br />Weidt invited the applicant to speak. <br /> <br />Rebekah Hagstrom, Headmaster at Liberty Classical, explained that Liberty opened 21 years ago <br />and is a classical and Christian school open to all backgrounds. There were currently 221 <br />students, including staff, and when they open the addition, there would be approximately 351 <br />total. She talked about meetings they held in November 2022 and in January 2023 when they <br />moved into the old Withrow Elementary School. She said they had sent invites to everyone in a <br />mile radius, and few attended. Those that did attend gave positive feedback, and she offered to <br />have more meetings. She talked about the lights being designed to fit into the rural area. She <br />sees the school as serving a need for the community and said she wanted to work to be a good <br />neighbor. <br /> <br />Elise Kelly, Pope Design Group, said she was working on this master plan, and they were