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2024.06.03 CC Minutes
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City Council Minutes
2024 CC Minutes
2024.06.03 CC Minutes
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7/1/2024 4:53:26 PM
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7/1/2024 4:53:19 PM
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Council Meeting Minutes for June 3, 2024 <br />Page 7 of 11 <br /> <br />seeking approval of the CUP. She talked about the CUP criteria saying the use was compatible, <br />they met the setbacks, and the materials and landscape plan met the standards. She said they had <br />been working with Washington County, and Keller Avenue has adequate compacity to serve <br />school. They had reduced the lighting. Weidt asked if there was right-of-way that needed to be <br />purchased for the road improvements, and Kelly replied there was not. <br /> <br />Mayor Weidt explained to the audience that the discussion to happen this evening was on the <br />current application for expansion of the school, not their future plans. He opened the floor for <br />comments. <br /> <br />Cort Jerome, 12444 Keller Avenue North, said he attended Liberty’s meetings years ago, and <br />they were held during times people work, so there were not many there. He talked about the <br />petition that had over 400 signatures saying they were not against the school but against the <br />campus and the anticipated phase two they see as apparent with the planned infrastructure. He <br />commented that Keller Avenue was not equipped to handle the traffic. He asked for a little time <br />to work with Liberty on the problem together and suggested forming a committee. He made <br />comparisons to Wildwood School where the cars were not on the streets but on school property. <br />Weidt asked him what issues he thought needed to be fixed. Cort replied there could be two <br />entrances, and the septic and holding pond should be on Hugo property because they were setting <br />up for phase two. Weidt explained that phase two was not automatic. Weidt said they needed to <br />do this phase correctly first, and he wanted it to be clear that this approval would have nothing to <br />do with phase two. Cort commented on the distance to emergency services by telling of when he <br />heard the school alarm go off one summer, and it took 20 minutes for the firetrucks to show up. <br /> <br />Bill Wright, 12388 Keller Avenue North, said he had no concerns with having the school there, <br />but was not in favor about their anticipated plan of building a campus development staring with <br />the installation of the septic system proposed for the property in May Township. He said the <br />plan was designed by someone who does not live there. He requested there be stronger language <br />on timers and dimmers of the outdoor lighting. He talked about the surrounding character and <br />anticipated traffic congestion. He explained the character of the area was why he lived there <br />instead of near the amenities of a larger city saying it was a tradeoff to give those up to live in a <br />rural area away from the congestion. He talked about the access off 122nd Street not being vetted <br />and how they needed to do their due diligence. <br /> <br />Dave Dobrotka, 12515 Keller Avenue North, said he supported the school being there because he <br />has two kids going through the program and wife teaches there. He said he was not excited <br />about it at first, but he realized things change and the land could turn into a development. He <br />stressed his support but was also concerned about lights and thought they should look at other <br />options for access unless it was a hard “no” from Washington County. <br /> <br />Chris O’Connell, 11115 122 Street North, May Township, shared concerns about Keller Avenue <br />and he questioned whether there was a traffic study done and reports on the ability for the road to <br />handle traffic. City Engineer Mark Erichson responded that there was a study done, and a copy <br />was included in the Council packet that highlighted existing traffic volumes and projections. <br />This was reviewed by the traffic engineer from Washington County. Chris expressed concerns <br />for kids crossing the road to get into a car that may be parked on the street. He talked about <br />options, one of them being to put a four-way stop at 122nd and Keystone, in front of the Zahler
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