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RESOLUTION 2024-34 <br /> APPROVING A PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT, SITE PLAN AND <br /> CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR HWI,LLC, C/O SUMMIT MANAGEMENT, <br /> LLC, FOR AN APARTMENT BUILDING ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED <br /> SOUTH OF ROSEMARY WAY AND WEST OF EVERTON AVENUE <br /> WHEREAS, HW1, LLC, c/o Summit Management, LLC, has requested approval of a site <br /> plan and conditional use permit for an 89 unit apartment building on the property legally <br /> described as; <br /> OUTLOT B, Frenchman Place 2nd Addition <br /> WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed said preliminary plat, site plan, and <br /> conditional use permits at a duly called a public hearing on August 8, 2024, and <br /> recommends approval subject to the conditions listed in this resolution. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF <br /> THE CITY OF HUGO, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does approve the <br /> preliminary plat, site plan, and conditional use permits. for HW1, LLC, c/o Summit <br /> Management, LLC with the following findings and conditions: <br /> 1. Approval is contingent upon City Council approval of a comprehensive plan <br /> amendment, rezoning, and variance. <br /> 2. All items on the Engineer's memo and "red-line" detailed engineering comments that <br /> have been sent directly to the developer's engineer dated August 5, 2024 shall be met. <br /> 3. The development shall be consistent with the plans submitted on July 11, 2024 and as <br /> amended by this resolution. <br /> 4. The plans shall be revised to include only 89 apartment units. <br /> 5. Prior to the installation of any signs, the developer shall obtain a sign permit. <br /> 6. The developer is responsible for obtaining all local, State, and Federal permits. <br /> 7. Prior to the commencement of grading the Technical Evaluation Panel shall approve <br /> the wetland impact including purchase of wetland credits. <br /> Prior to subdivision and the issuance of a building permits: <br /> 8. Park dedication shall be satisfied by dedication of land. The total buildable acreage of <br /> land is 1.8 acres. <br /> a. A trail easement shall be dedicated along the south property line of the plat. <br /> b. The applicant shall grade, construct trails, and landscape the park area. <br /> c. Final grading and layout of the trail and landscaping within the park shall be <br /> reviewed and approved by staff prior to installation. <br />