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Council Meeting Minutes for August 19, 2024 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br /> <br />Approve Resolutions Approving a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning, <br />Preliminary Plat, Site Plan, Conditional Use Permit, Variance, and Final Plat for <br />Frenchman Place 5th Addition <br /> <br />HW1, LLC, c/o Summit Management, LLC, had requested a comprehensive plan amendment to <br />change the land use from Commercial (COM) to High Density Residential (HD) on property <br />located south of Rosemary Way and west of Everton Avenue. The applicant had requested to <br />rezone the property from General Business (C-2) to Medium Density Multiple Family <br />Residential (R-5). The applicant requested approval of a site plan and conditional use permit <br />(CUP) for an 89-unit three story approximately 100,000 square foot apartment building including <br />attached and detached parking garages. The footprint of the building was approximately 46,000 <br />square feet. The applicant requested a CUP for the apartment use. Apartments were allowed in <br />the multi-family zoning district with a CUP. The applicant requested a preliminary plat of the <br />property to have the apartments on a separate parcel from a proposed public park. The applicant <br />requested a variance to allow the apartment building to be 39 feet in height, where 35 feet was <br />allowed by the ordinance. At its August 8, 2024, meeting the Planning Commission held a public <br />hearing and considered these requests. There was one person that spoke during the public <br />hearings with concerns and questions about additional traffic on to Rosemary Way and as it <br />circulates to Victor Hugo Boulevard and Everton Avenue. The Planning Commission agreed that <br />the use was a good fit in this location and met the criteria for approval of the requests. The <br />Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval to the City Council for the requests. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2024-32 APPROVING A <br />COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CHANGING MAP 3-1, 2040 LAND USE PLAN, <br />and RESOLUTION 2024-33 APPROVING FINDINGS OF FACT FOR REZONING HW1, <br />LLC c/o SUMMIT MANAGEMENT, LLC FOR PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH <br />ROSEMARY WAY AND WEST OF EVERTON AVENUE, and RESOLUTION 2024-34 <br />APPROVING A PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT, SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL <br />USE PERMIT FOR HW1, LLC, C/O SUMMIT MANAGEMENT, LLC, FOR AN <br />APARTMENT BUILDING ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF ROSEMARY WAY <br />AND WEST OF EVERTON AVENUE, and RESOLUTION 2024-35 APPROVING A <br />VARIANCE FOR HW1, LLC, C/O SUMMIT MANAGEMENT, LLC, FOR AN APARTMENT <br />BUILDING ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF ROSEMARY WAY AND WEST <br />OF EVERTON AVENUE, and ORDINANCE 2024-533 AMENDING CHAPTER 90 <br />(ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE CITY CODE TO CLASSIFY CERTAIN LANDS <br />LOCATED SOUTH OF ROSEMARY WAY AND WEST OF EVERTON AVENUE NORTH. <br /> <br />Approval of Wetland Replacement Plan for Frenchman Place 5th Addition <br /> <br />HW1, LLC, c/o Summit Management, LLC, had proposed to develop a 13-acre property located <br />west of Everton Avenue and south of Rosemary Way to be known as Frenchman Place 5th <br />Addition. The property had 4.09 acres of wetlands on site. The development would result in .43 <br />acres of wetland impact. The applicant had proposed to replace the impacts to the wetland basin <br />though the purchase of wetland credits from an approved wetland bank. The applicant met all of <br />the rule requirements for wetland impact sequencing and replacement. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the wetland replacement plan, subject to final Technical Evaluation Panel <br />issuance of the Notice of Decision for the wetland replacement application.