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Resolution 2024-47 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Residual Parcel B <br /> That part of the southeast Quarter,Section 8,Township 31 North,Range 21 West,Washington County,Minnesota,lying easterly of the easterly right-of-way line of Burlington Northern Railroad <br /> and lying southerly of the following described line: <br /> Commencing at the east quarter comer of said Section 8;thence South 0 degrees 46 minutes 28 seconds West,along the east line of said Southeast Quarter,a distance of 1495.87 feet,to the <br /> point of beginning of the line to be described;thence South 89 degrees 19 minutes 29 seconds West,307.30 feet;thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West,449.71 feet;thence South <br /> 89 degrees 19 minutes 29 seconds West,885.46 feet;thence South 00 degrees 46 minutes 28 seconds West,355.04 feet,thence South 00 degrees 40 minutes 32 seconds West,107.05 feet; <br /> thence South 89 degrees 19 minutes 29 seconds West,703 feet to said easterly right-of-way line of Burlington Northern Railroad and said line there terminating. <br /> Resulting Combination of Parcel A and Parcels B1 and B2 <br /> That part of the Southeast Quarter,Section 8,Township 31 North,Range 21 West,Washington County,Minnesota,lying south of the North 965.6 feet thereof,lying easterly of the easterly <br /> right-of-way line of Burlington Northern Railroad and lying northerly of the following described line: <br /> Commencing at the east quarter corner of said Section 8;thence South 0 degrees 46 minutes 28 seconds West,along the east line of said Southeast Quarter,a distance of 1495.87 feet,to the <br /> point of beginning of the line to be described;thence South 89 degrees 19 minutes 29 seconds West,307.30 feet;thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West,449.71 feet;thence South <br /> 89 degrees 19 minutes 29 seconds West,885.46 feet;thence South 00 degrees 46 minutes 28 seconds West,355.04 feet;thence South 00 degrees 40 minutes 32 seconds West,107.05 feet; <br /> thence South 89 degrees 19 minutes 29 seconds West,703 feet to said easterly right-of-way line of Burlington Northern Railroad and said line there terminating. <br />