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0 The stated water conservation goals are arbitrary, <br />A protective elevation will be established for White Bear Lake that may impact <br />appropriations and future appropriations of groundwater. <br />The settlement grants Plaintiffs a role in reviewing appropriation permits. Plaintiffs have <br />already suggested that the remedy they demand includes placing restrictions on municipal <br />drinking water wells and increasing the cost therefor. <br />0 The boundaries used to select the 13 communities that are impacted by the settlement were <br />set arbitrarily without any basis in science or fact. Some of the wells serving municipal <br />cipal <br />water supplies within the Phase 2 communities are located in aquifers other than the Prairie <br />du Chien / Jordan aquifers, but they are still impacted by the settlement. Forest Lake's <br />municipal water supply is currently drawn from the Mount Simon Aquifer, There has been <br />no indication that utilization of the Mount Simon Aquifer has had any negative impact on <br />any surface waters. <br />The Prairie du Chien / Jordan aquifer does not exist under all 13 communities that are <br />subject to the agreement. Many other communities impact the aquifer, but are not made part <br />of the communities subject to regionalization or restriction under the settlement agreement. <br />The economic impact of the settlement is profound, as it will negatively impact the region's <br />growth, economic development potential, and will add significant financial burden to <br />residential and commercial water users in the north and northeast metro. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the City supports the unification of <br />all Northeast Metro Cities in active opposition to the implementation of the terms of the settlement <br />agreement. <br />Adopted and passed this 2"d day of February, 2015 by order of the Hugo City Council. <br />Tom Weidt, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Michele Lindau, City Clerk <br />