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• <br /> •, � , MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION <br /> OCTOBER 9, 1973 <br /> The meeting was called to order at 8:45 P.M. by Chairman Dan <br /> Spitzer. Members present were: Spitzer, Ehret, Paulson and <br /> Leroux (arrived at 9:45 P.M. ) . Irene Leroux, Council Member, <br /> (arrived at 9:37 P.M. and left) , and Bill Schwab, Village <br /> Planning Consultant, were also present. <br /> Motion made by Ehret, seconded by Paulson, to approve minutes <br /> of September 26th meeting. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> No communications or bills to report. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> OAK VISTA ESTATES - MOGREN & SCHREIER <br /> Spitzer read the engineer's report. <br /> The public hearing is scheduled for October 24th at 8:30 P.M. <br /> to approve the preliminary plan. <br /> Schreier asked if another public hearing would be called for <br /> approval of the final plan. Spitzer said that it isn't re- <br /> quired but we could request one. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> REHBEIN - NORTH WAY CONSTRUCTION <br /> Request for amended Special Use Permit to permit use of the <br /> addition of the building. <br /> Spitzer read report from Planning Department - Washington <br /> County - dated December 18, 1972. <br /> Points of report: 1. Doesn't give adequate set-back. <br /> 2. Sewer system plan. <br /> 3. Drawings (Mr.. Rehbein stated drawings <br /> have been turned in) . <br /> Spitzer - Does the addition increase the number of employees? <br /> Rehbein - No, the addition is only for a showroom. <br /> Spitzer asked if soil borings had been done recently. A. report <br /> p <br /> was read dated June, 1973, on soil borings done on this property <br /> by a qualified engineer. <br /> Motion made by Paulson, seconded by Ehret, to table the Rehbein <br /> request for a Special Use Permit until we have advise from the <br /> Village Attorney. Motion carried without a quorum. <br />