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Ordinance 2010-443 <br />Burning Ordinance <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />(5) Disposal of diseased trees generated on-site, diseased or infected nursery <br />stock, or diseased bee hives. <br />(6) Disposal of unpainted, untreated, non -glued lumber and wood shakes <br />generated from construction, where recycling, reuse, removal or other alternative <br />disposal methods are not practical. <br />(7) Fire training permits issued only by the DNR. <br />(8) Permits for the operation of permanent tree and brush burning sites issued only by the <br />DNR. <br />(h) Permit process, application, and fees. <br />(1) Open burning permits shall be obtained by making application on a form prescribed by <br />the DNR and adopted by the Fire Department. The permit application shall be presented <br />to the designated fire official for review. An open burning permit shall require the <br />payment of a fee. Permit fees shall be in an amount established by the Council. <br />(2) The applicant shall demonstrate to the designated fire official the ability to comply with <br />the applicable state statutes, this ordinance, or any additional guidelines as may be <br />adopted. <br />(3) Upon receipt of the completed open burning permit application and fee, the designated <br />fire official may, if he or she believes necessary, require a preliminary site inspection to <br />locate the proposed burn site, note special conditions, and set dates and times of <br />permitted burn and review fire safety considerations, including the preparation of a <br />detailed burn event safety plan with the designated fire official when conditions require. <br />(4) If the established criteria for the issuance of an open burning permit are not met, the <br />application will be denied. <br />(5) Even if the established criteria for the issuance of an open burning permit are met, if it <br />is determined that a practical alternative method for disposal exists, a pollution or <br />nuisance condition would result, or if a burn event safety plan cannot be drafted to the <br />satisfaction of the designated fire official, the application may be denied. <br />(i) Permit holder responsibility <br />(1) Prior to starting an open burn, the permit holder shall be responsible for confirming that <br />no burning ban or air quality alert is in effect. <br />(2) The open burning site shall have appropriate communication and fire suppression <br />equipment available. <br />(3) The open burn shall be attended to at all times. No fire may ever be allowed to smolder. <br />The fire shall be completely extinguished before the permit holder or his or her <br />