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• Ordinance 2010-443 <br />Burning Ordinance <br />Page 6 of 7 <br />representative leaves the site. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to have a valid <br />permit, as required by this ordinance, available for inspection on site by law <br />enforcement, the Fire Department, a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) <br />representative or DNR officer. <br />(4) The permit holder is responsible for compliance and implementation of all general <br />conditions, special conditions, and guidelines as established in the permit issued. The <br />permit holder shall be responsible for all costs incurred as a result of the burn, including <br />but not limited to costs related to Fire Department response, fire suppression, and <br />administrative fees. <br />0) Revocation of permit. An open burning permit is subject to revocation at the discretion of <br />a DNR officer or the designated fire official. Reasons for revocation include but are not limited to: a <br />fire hazard existing or developing during the course of the burn; any permit conditions being violated <br />during the course of the burn; pollution or nuisance conditions developing during the course of the <br />burn; or a fire smoldering with no flame, or attendant, present. <br />(k) Burning ban or air quality alert. <br />(1) The designated fire official is authorized to determine when conditions make open <br />burning potentially hazardous and declare a burning ban within the city. <br />(2) No recreational fire or open burn will be permitted when the city or the DNR has <br />officially declared a burning ban due to potential hazardous fire conditions or when the <br />MPCA has declared an air quality alert. <br />Sec 34-4. Penalties. <br />(a) Violation of any provision of this ordinance, including maintaining a nuisance after being <br />notified in writing, shall be a guilty of a misdemeanor. <br />(b) Any person violating the terms of this ordinance shall pay all costs incurred as a result of <br />the violation, including but not limited to costs related to Fire Department response, fire suppression, <br />and administrative fees. Any costs incurred by the City in responding to a violation of this ordinance, <br />if not paid within six months of the violation, shall constitute a lien on the property. <br />(c) Any person aggrieved by the imposition of a fine, fee or citation issued under this <br />ordinance shall have the right to appeal that imposition once to the City Council, provided they submit <br />a written request for appeal stating the reasons therefore to the City Clerk within thirty (30) days of the <br />date of the issuance of the fine, fee or citation. Appeals will be heard by the City Council within (60) <br />days of the City Clerk's receipt of the written request. <br />Sec 34-5. Severability. If any provision of this ordinance is found to be invalid for any reason by a <br />court of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. <br />