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2010.03.01 ORD 2010-443
City Council
City Council Ordinances
2010 CC Ordinances
2010.03.01 ORD 2010-443
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10/26/2017 2:12:01 PM
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4/10/2015 4:25:56 PM
City Council
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SUMMARY ORDINANCE 2010-443 <br />NOTICE: THIS PUBLISHED MATERIAL IS ONLY A SUMMARY OF AN ORDINANCE <br />OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR THE CITY OF HUGO. THE FULL TEXT OF THE <br />ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION AT THE HUGO CITY HALL <br />DURING REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS. <br />TITLE: <br />An ordinance amending Hugo City Code, CHAPTER 34, FIRE PREVENTION AND <br />PROTECTION, to add the following: <br />SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE: <br />Chapter 34 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION <br />Sec. 34-1. Administration <br />(a) Establishment of Fire Department. Provides an outline of what the fire <br />department employees consist of and the hiring process of the City Council. <br />(b) Duties of fire chief. Provides an outline of the general duties and responsibilities of <br />the fire chief. <br />(c) Powers of fire chief. Provides information on the powers of the fire chief in <br />reference to measures taken to prevent and extinguish fires. <br />(d) Records maintained by chief. States that the fire chief shall complete records of all <br />fires in a specific way. <br />(e) Training sessions and drills required. States that the chief to hold at least one <br />monthly practice drill or school of at least one hour's duration for the fire department, and to give <br />the firefighters instruction in approved methods of firefighting and fire prevention. <br />(f) Authority in absence of chief. States that the ranking officer shall in the absence of <br />the chief perform all the functions and exercise all the authority of the chief. <br />(g) Member requirements. Provides information on the requirements to be a member <br />of the fire department. <br />(h) Pay scale. Provides information on how volunteer members of the lire department <br />are compensated for work. <br />(i) Firefighters's relief association. States that the members and officers of the fire <br />department shall organize themselves into a firefighters's relief association. <br />0) Police power. States that the members and officers of the fire department shall have <br />
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