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police power during a fire or emergency or when responding to or returning from an alarm of fire <br />or emergency. <br />Sec. 34-2. Permit required for fireworks display. <br />States that no person, without securing a permit, shall make a public display of fireworks. <br />Sec 34-3. Open burning <br />(a) Adoption of state law by reference. States that Minnesota State Law, Chapter 88, is <br />hereby adopted by reference. <br />(b) City may be more restrictive than state law. States that the City Council can <br />impose additional restrictions on open burning as it refers to state laws. <br />(c) Purpose. States the purpose of this ordinance is to regulate open burning within the <br />City of Hugo, to protect the public health, safety and welfare. <br />(d) Definitions. Provides definitions that relate to the Fire Protection and Prevention <br />Ordinance. <br />(e) Prohibited burning. States that no person shall conduct, cause or permit the open <br />burning of prohibited items as outlined in the ordinance, such as, but not limited to, oils, <br />petroleum fuels, rubber, plastic, hazardous waste, leaves or grass clippings, and recreational fires <br />conducted between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. <br />(f) Open burning prohibited except by permit. States that no person shall start or <br />allow any open burning on any property in the city without first having obtained an open burning <br />permit, unless they meet certain conditions. <br />(g) Permitted open burning. States that under special or extraordinary circumstances, <br />open burning permits may be issued by the city or by a DNR forestry official, such as, but not <br />limited to ground thawing for utility repair and construction, running fires, disposal of diseased <br />trees generated on-site, and fire training permits. <br />(h) Permit process, application, and fees. Outlines the application process for an open <br />burning permit. <br />(i) Permit holder responsibility. Outlines the responsibilities for the open burning <br />permit holder that they will be held liable for. <br />0) Revocation of permit. States that an open burning permit is subject to revocation at <br />the discretion of a DNR officer or the designated fire official. Reasons for revocation include but <br />are not limited to: a fire hazard existing or developing during the course of the burn; any permit <br />conditions being violated during the course of the burn; pollution or nuisance conditions <br />