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2015.05.04 ORD 2015-470
City Council
City Council Ordinances
2015 CC Ordinances
2015.05.04 ORD 2015-470
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Last modified
10/26/2017 2:12:02 PM
Creation date
5/5/2015 8:53:14 AM
City Council
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Sec. 90-93. Long-term agricultural district (LA). <br />(b) Permitted uses. <br />(1) Agriculture <br />Sec, 90-105. Restricted industrial district (RI -1). <br />(b) Permitted uses. <br />(10) Self-service storage facilities (Ministorage) (refer to section 90-262) <br />(d) Conditional uses <br />(21) Warehouse and distribution center (refer to section 90-269) <br />Sec. 90-106. Business Park (BP) <br />(d) Conditional uses. <br />(11) Self-service storage facilities (Ministorage) (refer to section 90-262) <br />Sec. 90-107. General industrial district (1-3). <br />(b) Permitted uses. <br />(14) Self-service storage facilities (Ministorage) (refer to section 90-262) <br />Sec. 90-204. Accessory buildings <br />(o) Any property zoned R-1, RR, AG, or FUS that is less than 3 acres in size shall be allowed <br />two accessory buildings with a maximum combined size of 1,500 square feet, and shall not be <br />subject to the requirements as stated in the table outlined in subsection (f). <br />See. 90-205. Accessory retail and service uses. <br />Accessory, enclosed retail, rental, or service shall not constitute more than 25 percent of the <br />gross floor area of the principal building. <br />See. 90-229. Garages, commercial. <br />(b) Commercial garages used only for the temporary parking of automobiles and light trucks for <br />people employed or conducting business in nearby buildings may be allowed as an accessory use <br />in the general business zoning district. <br />See. 90-235. Indoor riding arenas. <br />(b) Indoor riding arenas may be allowed in the agricultural, rural residential, and future urban <br />service zoning districts on parcels at least ten acres in size, subject to the following conditions: <br />Sec. 90-241. Livestock and poultry. <br />(b) Domestic livestock and poultry may be kept or maintained in the agricultural, long -tern <br />agricultural, future urban service, and rural residential zoning districts on parcels of land of five <br />acres or more in size. Two animal units shall be allowed for the first five acres ofland, and one <br />additional animal unit shall be allowed for each acre of land in excess of five acres. On parcels of <br />land less than five acres in the agricultural, long-term agricultural, future urban service, and rural <br />residential zoning districts, up to five chickens may be kept or maintained, all of which may not <br />be roosters. For the purposes of this subsection (b), the following conditions shall apply: <br />
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