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See. 90-255. Plant nurseries, retail. <br />(c) Retail sales of materials brought in from off-site may be allowed. <br />Sec. 90-256. Plant nurseries, wholesale. <br />(b) The import, storage, processing, and distribution of plant materials grown off site may be <br />allowed. <br />See. 90-261. Seasonal outdoor retail sales. <br />(b) Seasonal outdoor retail sales shall be allowed for a period of time not to exceed a combined <br />total of 120 days in any 12 -month period. Outdoor retail sales shall not occupy an area exceeding <br />ten percent of a lot's area, and shall meet all yard setback requirements. <br />Section 4. The City Council of the City of Hugo does hereby amend Article IV Zoning District <br />Regulations and Article VI Requirements for Specific Uses and Performance Standards for <br />amendments as follows for certain Sections: <br />Sec. 90-109. Future urban service district (FITS). <br />(a) Purpose. <br />To revise the section to change ten acres to twenty acres <br />Sec. 90-232. Home occupations. <br />(c) (10) a. Add Future Urban Service to zoning districts in first sentence. <br />(k) & (m) Remove R-2 from list of zoning districts <br />(o) Add FUS to list of zoning districts in both places within subsection. <br />Section 5. Severability. In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction adjudges any part of <br />this Ordinance to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect any other provision of this Ordinance <br />not specifically included with that judgment. <br />Section 6. Effective Date. These amendments shall take effect upon its passage and publication. <br />ADOPTED BY THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL ON May <br />ora Weidt, ayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Michele Lindau, City Clerk <br />