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d) The City has the right to remove and discard any signs in the public right-of-way, <br />without notice or compensation. <br />e) All new multi -tenant buildings, buildings that include sub -tenants, and shopping <br />centers, are required to have Development Sign Criteria approved by the <br />Community Development Director or his or her designee prior to erecting any <br />signs. The Development Sign Criteria must specify the type, material, size, design, <br />location, and colors of signs to be permitted on the building and must ensure <br />consistency of format through -out the project. Development Sign Criteria will allow <br />the development to have flexibility from the sign ordinance. Each sign erected on <br />the property must conform to the Development Sign Criteria. <br />f) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no sign shall be installed until a sign <br />permit has been approved by the City. <br />(c) Non -conforming signs. It is recognized that signs exist within the zoning districts which <br />were lawful before this sign ordinance was enacted, which would be prohibited, regulated or <br />restricted under the terms of this chapter or future amendments. Nonconforming signs shall not <br />be enlarged upon, expanded or extended, nor be used as grounds for adding other signs or uses <br />prohibited elsewhere in the same district. Legal nonconforming signs existing on the effective <br />date of this sign ordinance, or amendments thereto, may continue as legal nonconforming signs <br />provided such signs are safe, are maintained so as not to be unsightly, and have not been <br />abandoned or removed subject to the following provisions. This shall not prevent minor <br />maintenance and repair that is less than 50% of the fair market value of the sign, the re -facing of <br />signs where the type of business has not changed, or the keeping of painted signs in a neat and <br />readable manner. <br />(1) No sign shall be enlarged or altered in a way which increases its nonconformity. <br />(2) Should such sign or sign structure be destroyed by any means to an extent greater <br />than fifty(50) percent of its replacement cost and no sign permit has been applied <br />for within 180 days of when the property was damaged, it shall not be reconstructed <br />except in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. <br />(3) Should such sign or sign structure be moved for any reason for any distance <br />whatsoever, it shall thereafter conform to the regulations for the zoning district in <br />which it is located after it is moved. <br />(d) Items Not Considered Maintenance. The following items are not considered maintenance <br />and shall require that the sign be brought into conformance with all requirements with this <br />Ordinance. <br />(1) Said maintenance shall not include any changes made to size, height, light intensity <br />or bulk of the sign or the temporary or permanent removal of the sign for the repair <br />or replacement of the cabinet or any part thereof, not including the face. <br />(2) Sign maintenance shall not include changes to the type of sign or changes to <br />components of the sign. For example, replacement of a paper, vinyl, or static sign <br />with dynamic or electronic displays shall not be considered sign maintenance and is <br />prohibited. <br />2 <br />