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Each wall signs shall be compatible with the architecture of the building on which <br />it is located. Wall signs are meant to enhance the appearance of the building and <br />not detract from the building. Wall signs are prohibited on unarticulated walls or <br />walls not intended for a sign. Wall signs are prohibited for residential uses. <br />Single Tenant Buildings <br />For single tenant buildings, wall signs are permitted on the front, side, or rear of <br />the building, up to one (1) wall sign per faVade. The signs shall only be located on <br />facades that include a public entrance and/or the facades that are visible from a <br />public road. Wall signs may cover a maximum of 10% of the gross wall area of <br />the building wall of which the sign is affixed to, including doors and windows. No <br />sign shall extend above the top of the wall. <br />Multi -Tenant Buildings <br />For multi -tenant buildings, including shopping centers, wall signs are permitted <br />on the front, side, or rear of the building, up to one (1) wall sign per tenant per <br />facade. The signs shall only be located at the main entrances of the tenant space <br />and/or the facades of the tenant spaces that are visible from a public road. Wall <br />signs may cover a maximum of 10% of the building wall area of the tenant space <br />of which the sign is to be affixed to, including doors and windows. Tenant signs <br />shall have a consistent display format and be constructed of the same material. No <br />sign shall extend above the top of the wall. All signs shall comply with <br />Development Sign Criteria. <br />Buildings with Sub -Tenants <br />Where one retail establishment (the "sub -tenant") leases space and conducts <br />business within another retail establishment ( the "primary -tenant") but does not <br />have an exterior business fagade and an exterior door leading directly to the sub- <br />tenant space, one exterior wall sign may be permitted if the following conditions <br />are met: <br />a. The sub -tenant's business establishment occupies at least 200 square feet of <br />floor area, and is staffed and open for business during predetermined hours. <br />b. The primary tenant's business establishment occupies at least 25,000 square <br />feet of floor area. <br />C. The sub -tenant's business is a separate legal entity from the primary tenant's <br />business, as opposed to a department, division or subsidiary of the primary <br />tenant's business. <br />d. Development Sign Criteria for the building has been approved by the <br />Community Development Director or his or her designee. <br />e. The total area for all signs on the same fagade does not exceed the allowable <br />signage area for that district. <br />Pedestrian Oriented Signage: <br />no <br />