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These signs shall be limited to projecting signs and hanging signs. For buildings <br />with sidewalks along one or more sides of the building, a sign may be hung from <br />under the covered walkway or mounted to the building identifying the business. <br />Such sign shall be located at the entrance of the business it is identifying and shall <br />not exceed 5 square feet. One (1) sign shall be permitted per tenant space. The <br />lowest point of the sign shall be at a minimum of 7 feet above the sidewalk and no <br />sign shall extend above the top of the wall. <br />Canopy Sians <br />Signs located on the canopies of gas stations or other businesses shall be <br />considered wall signs. The canopy shall be considered a part of the building and <br />shall be regulated as part of the building. <br />(2) Freestanding Signs <br />Monument Signs in Residential Districts <br />Monument signs are permitted for residential subdivisions and multi -family <br />developments of 9 or more units. Where the development is located on both sides <br />of the public street or private driveway, one monument sign may be located on <br />each side of the street or driveway, or alternatively one monument sign may be <br />located within a landscaped median within the center of the street or driveway. <br />Where a monument sign is to be located within the public right of way, plans shall <br />be approved by the City Council showing the location, size, and design of the <br />sign, as well as any required maintenance and hold harmless agreements. <br />Monument signs shall be a maximum of 32 square feet per face. Said sign shall be <br />a maximum of 6 feet in height, measured from the grade of the ground, and shall <br />be setback at least 10 feet from all property lines and 5 feet from the right of way. <br />The sign shall be designed to be architecturally compatible with the project, and <br />shall be within a landscaped for 3 feet on each side of the sign. <br />Monument Signs for Non -Residential uses in Residential Districts and <br />Agricultural Districts <br />One monument sign shall be allowed for non-residential uses in residential <br />districts. Monument signs shall be a maximum of 32 square feet per face. The <br />monument sign shall be a maximum height of 6 feet, measured at the grade of the <br />ground, and shall be setback at least 10 feet from all property lines and 5 feet <br />from the right of way. The sign shall be designed to be architecturally compatible <br />with the project, and shall be located within a landscaped area extending at least 3 <br />feet around the base of the sign. Signs for Home Occupations are permitted under <br />Section 90-232 of the City of Hugo Municipal Code <br />Single Tenant Monument Signs <br />One monument sign shall be allowed for single tenant commercial or industrial <br />buildings, which are not part of a shopping center. The monument sign shall be a <br />maximum of 40 square feet per face. The monument sign shall be a maximum <br />height of 10 feet, measured at the grade of the ground, and shall be setback at <br />least 10 feet from all property lines and 5 feet from the right of way. The sign <br />7 <br />