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(a) Application; contents. Applications for a zoning amendment shall be made to the <br />community development director or designee on forms provided by the city. To be considered <br />complete, the application shall include: <br />(1) The applicant's name, address, and telephone number. <br />(2) The legal description and address of the property to which the zoning amendment <br />shall apply. <br />(3) Proof of ownership of the property to which the amendment shall apply. Only the <br />property owner may apply for a zoning amendment, and all owners of record must sign <br />the application and agree to the amendment. <br />(4) Copies of any previous variances, site plan approvals, conditional use permits, or <br />other permits issued to the site. <br />(5) A statement as to the zoning classification requested for the property. <br />(6) A detailed explanation of why the rezoning is requested. <br />(7) A topographic survey of the property and adjacent property within 300 feet, prepared <br />by a registered land surveyor, at a scale not less than one inch equals 100 feet with two - <br />foot contour intervals. The plan shall show the location of public streets and public <br />utilities in relation to the property. <br />(8) A wetlands delineation of the property. <br />(9) A report prepared by a registered traffic engineer as to the number and distribution <br />of daily traffic trips to be generated by the proposed use of the land, if required by the <br />community development director or designee. <br />(10) An environmental assessment worksheet or environmental impact study if required <br />under section 90-167. <br />(11) A legal description of the property. <br />(12) The names and addresses of all property owners within 300 feet of the subject <br />property. <br />(13) Application fees, as required. <br />(b) Hearing before planning commission. Upon receipt of a completed application for a zoning <br />amendment, the community development director or designee shall schedule the application for a <br />hearing before the planning commission. If the amendment relates to any property lying totally <br />or partially in the floodplain or shoreland overlay districts, notice of the amendment request shall <br />be provided to the commissioner of the department of natural resources at least ten days prior to <br />11 <br />