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the hearing date. If the amendment relates to any development fronting a county highway, the <br />county administrator shall be given notice of the application 30 days prior to the hearing. <br />(c) Findings required for approval. In order to recommend approval of a zoning amendment, the <br />planning commission must find all of the following: <br />(1) The requested amendment is in compliance with the city's comprehensive plan. <br />(2) The proposed zoning classification is appropriate for the property given the <br />topographic, environmental and cultural limitations of the site. <br />(3) Existing public infrastructure is adequate to handle the development that can <br />reasonably be foreseen on the site. <br />(4) The proposed zoning classification will not have unreasonable negative impacts on <br />adjacent properties. <br />(5) The flood plain designation on the Official Zoning Map shall not be removed from <br />flood plain areas unless it can be shown that the designation is in error or that the area has <br />been filled to or above the elevation of the regulatory flood protection elevation and is <br />contiguous to lands outside the flood plain. <br />(d) Basis for denial. In order to recommend denying a zoning amendment, the planning <br />commission must find one or more of the following: <br />(1) The requested zoning amendment is not in compliance with the city's comprehensive <br />plan. <br />(2) There are topographic, environmental, or cultural limitations on the site that make it <br />unsuitable for development permitted in the requested zoning classification. <br />(3) Existing public infrastructure is inadequate to handle the development that can <br />reasonably be foreseen on the site if the requested zoning classification is approved. <br />(4) The amendment will have unreasonable negative impacts on adjacent property. <br />(e) No special conditions to be placed. Special conditions shall not be placed on the granting of <br />a zoning amendment. <br />(f) Additional approvals for floodplain district. Amendments to the floodplain district, including <br />amendments to the floodplain district map, must be submitted to, and approved by, the <br />commissioner of natural resources prior to adoption. Changes to the floodplain district map must <br />also meet the conditions and criteria of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and receive <br />such agency's approval prior to adoption. <br />12 <br />