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as fill, excavation, or the storage of materials and supplies, so long as such use is a permitted <br />accessory use in the underlying zoning district. The use must not increase any stage of the 100 - <br />year regional flood or cause an increase in flood damages in the reach or reaches affected. <br />(3) Conditional uses. Any permitted, accessory, or conditional use allowed in the underlying <br />zoning district may be allowed as a conditional use in the general floodplain district subject to <br />the conditions established in subsection (4) of this section. <br />(4) Standards for floodplain district conditional uses. <br />a. No structure, facility, or land use shall be allowed in the floodway that will increase <br />the stage of the 100 -year regional flood or cause an increase in flood damages in the <br />reach or reaches affected, except for railroads, essential government facilities, accessory <br />structures for public and private recreational facilities, essential utilities, marinas, docks, <br />and other water -oriented accessory structures. <br />b. No use shall result in obstruction to, or be incompatible with, preservation of those <br />natural land forms, vegetation, and wetland areas contiguous to watercourses in the city <br />where such use will detract from consistent rates of water flow. <br />c. No use shall be permitted that results in development of land or water areas necessary <br />to temporarily store excessive amounts of surface water during periods of floodwater or <br />high water, or of groundwater recharge areas, where such development may decrease the <br />capacity of such areas to temporarily store surface waters or to provide groundwater <br />infiltration. <br />d. The use must meet the construction standards found in subsection (5) of this section. <br />e. Storage of material and equipment may be allowed below the regulatory flood <br />protection elevation if readily removable from the area within the time available after a <br />flood warning, and in accordance with a plan approved by the city council. <br />f. Commercial, recreational, and accessory uses may be allowed only where an adequate <br />flood warning system exists to allow evacuation of areas to be flooded prior to their <br />inundation. <br />g. Industrial uses may be permitted in the floodplain district only when adequate <br />procedures are in place to limit flood interference with normal plant operations. <br />h. Temporary, on-site storage of fill or other material may be allowed that would <br />increase the stage of the 100 -year or regional flood if a specific and detailed removal plan <br />for the material is accepted by the city council. The applicant shall be required to post <br />financial security in an amount not less than 125 percent of the cost of removing the <br />material, and provide proof of liability insurance as necessary to indemnify the city for <br />any potential damage to public or private property caused from possible increased <br />flooding. <br />FIX <br />