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both sides of the stream within the reach shall be assumed in computing <br />floodway boundaries. <br />f. If the project that requires a Conditional Use Permit is deemed in the <br />Floodplain District the following additional information shall be provided: <br />(i) The applicant shall furnish any of the following information and <br />additional information as deemed necessary by the City for determining <br />the suitability of the particular site for the proposed use: <br />A. Plans drawn to scale showing the nature, location, <br />dimensions, and elevation of the lot, existing or proposed <br />structures, fill, storage of materials, flood proofing <br />measures, and the relationship of the above to the location <br />of the stream channel; and <br />B. Specifications for building construction and materials, <br />flood proofing, tilling, dredging, grading, channel <br />improvement, storage of materials, water supply and <br />sanitary facilities. <br />(ii) The applicant shall transmit one copy of the information described <br />in subsection (i) to a designated engineer or other expert person or agency <br />for technical assistance, where necessary, in evaluating the proposed <br />project in relation to flood heights and velocities, the seriousness of flood <br />damage to the use, the adequacy of the plans for protection, and other <br />technical matters <br />(iii) Based upon the technical evaluation of the designated engineer or <br />expert, the City_shall determine the specific flood hazard at the site and <br />evaluate the suitability of the proposed use in relation to the flood hazard. <br />(9) Application fees and escrow, as established by the city council. <br />(b) Hearing before planning commission. Upon receipt of a completed application for a <br />conditional use permit, the community development director or designee shall schedule the <br />application for a hearing before the planning commission. <br />(1) If the conditional use permit application relates to any floodplain or shoreland area, <br />notice of the application shall be provided to the commissioner of the department of <br />natural resources at least ten days prior to the hearing date. <br />(2) If the conditional use permit application relates to any development fronting a <br />county highway, the county engineer shall be given notice of the application ten days <br />prior to the hearing date. <br />