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(3) Notice of the conditional use permit application shall be provided to the property <br />owner of record for properties located within 300 feet of the lot or parcel to which the <br />application applies, at least ten days prior to the hearing date. <br />(4) If the application relates to the Floodplain District, the city engineer shall determine <br />as necessary, the 100 -year flood elevation, floodway, and flood fringe boundaries and <br />also make a determination and report to the planning commission the impact the <br />proposed use will have on the floodplain, including any expected increase to the regional <br />flood elevation and peak discharge of the regional flood. Such determination shall be <br />based upon a hydraulic analysis of the stream channel and overbank areas, in accordance <br />with Minnesota Rules 6120.5000--6120.6200, and assume an equal degree of <br />encroachment on both sides of the stream within the reach. In making a determination, <br />the city engineer shall use existing floodway and flood fringe boundaries shown as Zone <br />AE on the city's official floodplain map. The property owner may request a map revision <br />in accordance with section 90-138. <br />(c) Findings required for approval. In order to recommend approval of a conditional use permit, <br />the commission must find all of the following: <br />(1) The proposed use is permissible by law. <br />(2) The proposed use is in keeping with the spirit and intent of this chapter. <br />(3) The proposed use is compatible with the city's comprehensive plan, and the <br />character of the surrounding area. <br />(4) The proposed use has adequate drainage, water supply, electrical, gas, and sewage <br />treatment facilities. <br />(5) The proposed use has adequate road access, and does not reduce the safety or <br />capacity of the public road system. Road access shall be no lower than the regional flood <br />elevation. <br />(6) The technical evaluation of the floodplain, if required, accurately represents the <br />conditions and boundaries of the floodplain area, as well as correctly represents the <br />proposed use's impact on the floodplain. <br />(7) The proposed use may not create a danger that materials may be swept onto other <br />lands, or downstream to the injury of others, or block bridges, culverts, or other hydraulic <br />structures. <br />(8) The proposed use will not damage or reduce the benefits the public receives from <br />public waters. <br />(9) If located in the shoreland overlay district, the waterbody will be able to safely <br />accommodate the number, type, and uses of the watercraft the project will generate. <br />P <br />