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(10) If located in the shoreland overlay district, all structures and facilities are screened <br />from view from public waters. <br />(11) If the permit is to approve a wetlands replacement plan, the plan is in conformance <br />with the rules of the state board of soil and water resources for such plans. <br />(12) The applicant or operator shall obtain all necessary federal, state and local permits <br />for the conditional use. <br />(13) The proposed use is adequately buffered and screened from noncompatible land <br />uses and public rights-of-way. <br />(d) Basis for denial. In order to recommend denial of a conditional use permit, the planning <br />commission must find that the proposed use will not meet one or more of the conditions found in <br />subsection (c) of this section. <br />(e) Conditions imposed. The planning commission may recommend and the city council may <br />place restrictions, conditions and requirements on a conditional use permit to protect the health, <br />safety, and welfare of the community, mitigate unfavorable consequences of activities resulting <br />from issuing the permit, enforce laws and regulations, and ensure compliance with the conditions <br />of the permit. These conditions may include, but are not limited to: <br />(1) Modification of waste treatment and water supply facilities. <br />(2) Limitations on period of use, occupancy, and operation. <br />(3) Requirements for the construction of channel modifications, compensatory <br />floodwater or stormwater storage, dikes, levees, and other protective measures. <br />(4) Floodproofing measures in accordance with the state building code and this chapter. <br />(5) Buffering and screening measures. <br />(0 Issuance of permit. The community development director or designee shall, within ten days <br />of city council approval of any conditional use permit, provide one copy of the completed permit <br />to the applicant, the city clerk, and for permits issued in the floodplain district or shoreland <br />district, to the commissioner of the department of natural resources. <br />Section 90-38 Variances <br />(a) Application procedure. Applications for variances to this chapter shall be made to the <br />community development director or designee on forms provided by the city. To be considered <br />complete, the application shall include: <br />(1) The applicant's name, address, and telephone number. <br />VA <br />