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2007.12.03 ORD 2007-414
City Council
City Council Ordinances
2007 CC Ordinances
2007.12.03 ORD 2007-414
Entry Properties
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10/26/2017 2:11:58 PM
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SECTION 1195-530.1 <br />Subd.11 Except for properties zoned Agricultural, Long Term <br />Agricultural, Rural Residential or Future Urban Service, all lakeshore <br />property, and all properties at least one (1) acre in size, large recreational <br />equipment units shall be parked or stored within a building, except that <br />large recreational equipment may be parked or stored on the property <br />outside of a building, under the following conditions: <br />(A) No more than two (2) large recreational equipment <br />units shall be parked or stored outside of a building on the <br />property, with not more than one (1) unit being located in the front <br />yard and no more than one (1) unit being located in the rear yard. <br />(B) For properties exceeding one half (1/2) acre in size, <br />no more than three (3) large recreational equipment units shall be <br />parked or stored outside of a building on the property, with not <br />more than one (1) unit being located in the front yard and no more <br />that one (1) unit being located in the rear yard. <br />(C) In the front yard, provided it is kept on an <br />established driveway, and is entirely on the equipment owner's <br />property. Recreational equipment shall not be parked or stored on <br />public property, in a street right of way, or closer than 30 feet from <br />the curb, except that between one week before Memorial Day and <br />one week after Labor Day recreational equipment may be parked <br />no closer than 10 feet from the curb. <br />(D) In the side yard abutting an attached or detached <br />garage provided the area is surfaced with asphalt, concrete, or <br />crushed decorative rock. If the area is surfaced with asphalt or <br />concrete the surface shall be no closer than five feet (5') from the <br />side lot line. If the area is surfaced with decorative crushed rock <br />the surface shall be no closer than one foot (1') from the side lot <br />line. Parking or storage of recreational equipment on the side yard <br />abutting the principal building is prohibited. <br />(E) In the rear yard, no closer than five feet (5') from <br />the rear lot line, five feet (5') from the side lot lines, and not <br />located within a drainage or utility easement. <br />(F) In the case of a corner lot, recreational equipment <br />may be stored on the side of an attached or detached garage <br />adjacent to a public street, but shall be located at least 20 feet from <br />the public right of way. <br />
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