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PRINTER'S AFFI-DA"'r ^'' T_-- CION <br />HUGO <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2003-370 <br />SO - <br />"N ORDINA 19 OF THE HUGO CITY CODE ENTITLED "PARKING WIT OF PUBLICATION A <br />THE CITY OF HUGO, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNE <br />'4 OF �fi� <br />:NDINC�HAPTER 2 TION 219-16 does hereby MAR 19 2003 <br />o Washington County, Minnesota, <br />ADINMREAS' BY ADDING SEC <br />City ouncil of the City of Hug amending F MINNESOTA) <br />Hugo is hereby amended by <br />ordain as follws Code of the City of Hug <br />Section - The City Areas, to add Section 2tand eff,c en� removal Ramsey) <br />Chapter 21 r, Parking and Loading expedite the prompt stand or park <br />Section 219 16' In order to exp person to stop, between <br />Sectior 2.he it is unlawful for any s street within the City <br />of snow from the streets efmit theltsame to stand on anY stand or <br />any vehicle or trailer or p and 7:00 o'clock a.m. from November 1 until March 31 of <br />year itis unlawfuanYr pub person to stop, sher, or the publisher's designated agent, being duly sworn, on <br />the hours of 2:00 o'clock a.m. public street within the City <br />the following year. At all times eYit to stand on after a continuous or inter- at I am the publisher, or the publisher's designated agent and an <br />park any vehicle or trailer or permitand 7:00 o'clock a.m. 2 orches or more <br />between the hours of 2:00 o'clock has <br />the newspaper known as The White Bear Press, and that I have full <br />mittent snowfall during lowed or removed to the full width of <br />which there has been an accumulation of two � <br />of snow on any <br />street until the snow has been P person to park 'the facts which are stated below: <br />the street. at all times it shall be unlawful for any <br />In addition to the etwithin <br />foregoing, spaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting <br />any trailer on any street within the City for in excess of 72 hours. <br />Section 3. Any vehicle parked in violation of these sections more than two times in <br />be towed pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 169.041.y 101 a fineoof $35 00, as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute <br />ay 30 -day period tmayea misdemeanor and be punishable solei by passage and <br />on its p <br />tion shall constitute a petty A.07, and other applicable laws, and amended. <br />Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in effect u o on the 3rd day of CITY OF HUGO <br />publication according to law. the City Council of the City of Hug 'int <br />PASSED AND ADOPTED by <br />March, 2003. 2003. NO , 2003-370 <br />Published in the White Bear Press March 12, <br />which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed <br />and published once each week, for 1 successive weeks; it was first <br />published on WEDNESDAY , the 12 day of <br />MARCH 20-23— and was thereafter printed and published on every <br />to and including <br />the <br />day of , 20 ; and printed below is a copy of the <br />lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged <br />as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of - <br />the notice: <br />abcdefghi jklmnopgrstuvwxyz <br />TITLE: Publisher <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 12 day of MARCH , 20 03 <br />Notary Public, Minn. <br />tmRc,ihR t ri a �` I N <br />r <br />NCiiA!�v <br />RATE INFORMATIONr:- <br />(1) Lowest classified rate paid by <br />commercial users for <br />comparable space. <br />(2) Maximum rate allowed <br />by law for the above matter. <br />(3) Rate actually charged for <br />the above matter. <br />(Line, word or inch rate) <br />(Line, word or inch rate) <br />$ 7.00/INCH <br />(Line, word or inch rate) <br />