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And the following as Section 314-25: <br />"The property owner shall comply with instructions from the City of Hugo <br />regarding the repair or replacement of any sewer lines or water lines or other improvements <br />and, in the event the property owner fails to repair any sewer lines or water lines or <br />improvements, the City may undertake the work and assess the property for all costs <br />associated therewith. <br />All repairs shall be performed by an approved licensed contractor pursuant to City <br />of Hugo specifications. If the repair extends into a City street, right-of-way or easement, <br />prior written notice of the City of Hugo is required. All such areas shall be restored to City <br />standards by an approved contractor." <br />Section 2. SeverahilitT. In the event that a Court of competent jurisdiction adjudges <br />any part of this Ordinance to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect any other provision of this <br />Ordinance not specifically included within that judgment. <br />Section 3. Effective bate. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and <br />after its passage and publication according to law. <br />Passed and adopted by City Council of the City of Hugo, Washington County, <br />Minnesota, this 5th day of December, 2002. <br />ATTEST: <br />-211 <br />Mary reager, City Clerk <br />Rev. 12/09/02 <br />2 <br />Fran Mlto' n, Mayor <br />