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3. Member. The Commission shall consist of seven (7) members named by the <br />Mayor with the consent of the Council. The Mayor, with the consent of the Council, shall appoint <br />one of the Commission's members to serve as chairperson and one other to serve as alternate or <br />vice -chairperson. Each member so appointed shall serve for a two-year term. The initial <br />appointment shall be made with four (4) of the members being appointed for a one-year term and <br />the chairperson, vice -chairperson and Collections Manager appointed for a two-year term. <br />4. Meetings. The Commission shall meet from time to time or as specified by <br />Resolution of the City Council. Members of the Commission shall be not be compensated for their <br />service to the City and shall continue to hold office until their successors have been appointed and <br />qualified. <br />5. Organization. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Commission shall elect <br />officers from its members and shall carry out its duties in conformance with the powers conferred <br />upon it by this Ordinance. The City shall provide the commission with staff support to the extent <br />that resources permit. <br />Section 92-2. SeverahJ ilk. In the event that a Court of competent jurisdiction adjudges <br />any part of this Ordinance to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect any other provision of this <br />Ordinance not specifically included within that judgment. <br />Section 92-3. Fffective gate. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and <br />after its passage and publication according to law. <br />Passed and adopted by City Council of the City of Hugo, Washington County, <br />Minnesota, this 16th day of December, 2002. <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary reager, City Cler <br />Rev. 12/17/02 <br />2 <br />Fran NVn, Mayor <br />