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CITY OF HUGO <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2001 - 350 <br />AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE COUNCIL TO ADOPT REGULATIONS <br />PERTAINING TO CONSERVATION OF WATER <br />WHEREAS, the City Of Hugo has been experiencing accelerating residential and <br />commercial growth. This growth has placed significant burdens on the City's water supplies and <br />water system; and, <br />WHEREAS, the preservation of sufficient water supply is critical to the protection of <br />public health, safety and welfare. For example, if measures to conserve water were not adopted <br />from time to time, the amount of water available for firefighting during certain times could be <br />greatly reduced. This would threaten persons and property within the City of Hugo; and, <br />WHEREAS, the City is presently constructing additional water supply infrastructure. <br />However, the City continues to experience accelerating growth and this is expected to continue <br />for some time; and, <br />WHEREAS, the City Council is of the view that it is critical to adopt from time to time <br />regulations pertaining to the conservation of water so that an adequate supply is available for all <br />the citizens of Hugo and for emergency services to protect life, health and property within the <br />City now and in the future. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordained as follows: <br />The City Code of the City of Hugo, Washington County, Minnesota, is hereby amended <br />to add the following as Chapter 350: <br />Section 350-1. <br />A. The City Council may adopt a Resolution from time to time imposing <br />regulations pertaining to the conservation of water. Following the adoption of such a Resolution, <br />the City shall publish the regulations and post the regulations at the City Hall and at such other <br />public places as the City Council may direct. <br />B. The City Council may, by Resolution, approve emergency water <br />regulations whenever the City Council determines that a shortage of water supply threatens the <br />City. The emergency regulations may limit the times and hours during which City water may be <br />used for sprinkling, irrigation, car washing, and other external purposes. After the publication of <br />a notice setting forth the emergency restrictions for use of water, no person shall use or permit <br />water to be used in violation of the Resolution. <br />