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CITY OF HUGO <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2001 - 351 <br />AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SYSTEM OF ADMINISTRATIVE CITATIONS <br />AND CIVIL PENALTIES FOR NON -LICENSEES AND NON -PERMIT HOLDERS <br />WHEREAS, the City Council finds that there is a need for alternate methods of enforcing <br />the City Code. While criminal fines and penalties have been the most frequent enforcement <br />mechanism, there are certain negative consequences for both the City and the accused in the <br />criminal court system. That system does not insure prompt resolution. Citizens resent being <br />labeled as criminals for violations of administrative regulations. The higher burden of proof and <br />the potential of incarceration do not appear appropriate for most administrative violations. The <br />criminal process does not always regard City Code violations as being important. Accordingly, <br />the City Council finds that the use of administrative citations and the imposition of civil penalties <br />is a legitimate and necessary alternate method of enforcement. This method of enforcement shall <br />be in addition to any other legal remedy which may be pursued for City Code violations; and, <br />WHEREAS, the administrative offense procedures established pursuant to this Chapter <br />are intended to provide the public and the City with an informal, cost effective and expeditious <br />alternative to traditional criminal charges for violations of certain ordinance provisions. The <br />procedures are intended to be voluntary on the part of those who have been charged with the <br />administrative offenses. At any time prior to the payment of the administrative penalty as is <br />provided for hereafter, the individual may withdraw from participation in the procedures, in <br />which event, the City may bring criminal charges in accordance with law. Likewise, the City, in <br />its discretion, may choose not to initiate an administrative offense and may bring criminal <br />charges in the first or succeeding instances. <br />THE CITY OF HUGO ORDAINS: <br />The City Code of the City of Hugo, Washington County, Minnesota, is hereby ameded to <br />add as Chapter 340 the following: <br />Section 340-1. <br />A. A violation of any provision of City Code Section 350 or any provision of the City <br />Code is an administrative offense which may be subject to an administrative citation and civil <br />penalties pursuant to this chapter. Each day a violation exists constitutes a separate offense. <br />B. Any officer of the Washington County Sheriff's Department or any other person <br />employed by the City, authorized in writing by the City Administrator shall, upon determining <br />that there has been a violation, notify the violator, or in the case of a vehicular violation, attach to <br />the vehicle a notice of the violation. Said notice shall set forth the nature, date and time of <br />violation, the name of the official issuing the notice, and the amount of the scheduled penalty. <br />